
Poetry, dance, and music combined in the opera "La forza del destino" by Verdi at Coliseu Porto Ageas, on 26 October

The Italian opera "La forza del destino" ["The Force of Destiny], by Giuseppe Verdi is presented at Coliseu Porto Ageas, 26 October, at 8pm. This is a joint production of Coliseu Porto Ageas and São Carlos National Theatre (TNSC).

Chances are that the film by Leonor Teles about Porto is the best candidate for best European short

The film "Cães que ladram aos pássaros" [Dogs barking at birds]", by Leonor Teles, was announced today as a best candidate for Best European short film, in the scope of European Film Awards, which will be announced on 7th November, during the European Film Awards, to be held in Berlin, Germany.

Dorantes takes flamenco art form to the stage at Casa da Música on 23rd October

Casa da Música hosts the must-see flamenco concert by Dorantes, on 23rd October, at Casa da Música (Sala Suggia), Scheduled for 9pm. Pianist David Peña Dorantes, composer from Andalusia, is known after his compositions and performances of flamenco.

Tonight: the long awaited "The Phantom of the Opera" will be on stage at Coliseu Porto Ageas

Thirty five countries and one hundred and forty million people later, "The Phantom of the Opera" musical debuts in Coliseu Porto Ageas, on 18th October, at 9.30pm. This is the first time that the musical is performed in Portugal and Porto plays host to this renowned show, with the quality label by "The Really Useful Group", by Andrew Lloyd Weber.

FIMP is also about Opera Seria and Comic Opera, at Mosteiro São Bento da Vitória by A jangada Theatre

Alecrim vs Manjerona [roughly translated as "Rosemary vs Marjoram"] is a contemporary rewriting of the "As Guerras do Alecrim e Manjerona" opera, by António José da Silva (The Jew), which premiered in 1737. On show at the Mosteiro São Bento da Vitória, on 18th October, at 3pm and repeats at 9pm.

French Film Festival 20th anniversary is celebrated in Porto

It's been eighteen days now that the French Cinema Festival is travelling the country. It kicked-off on 1st October and after Lisbon, Almada, Setúbal and Coimbra, the 20th anniversary just HAD to be celebrated up north, in Porto.

"The dead live on in our dreams" by Hooman Sharifi at the majestic Salão Árabe, in Palácio da Bolsa this October

The majestic Salão Árabe of the Palácio da Bolsa hosts another top event: "The Dead Live On in Our Dreams" performance by Hooman Sharifi, on 25th and 26th October at 9pm, a promise for a nostalgic journey between the past and the imagined.

"I'm coming home for Xmas", says Rui Veloso

Rui Veloso takes to the stage of the renovated Super Bock Arena-Rosa Mota Pavilion, on 14th December, at 10pm. This will be a Xmas special, both for the singer and the fans who can't wait to hear the tunes of timeless hits songs such as "Chico Fininho","Porto Covo", "Anel de Rubi" or "Primeiro Beijo".

Impactful art installation landed at Aliados as Porto Design Biennale puts wind turbine on public display

It is astonishing to see a 41-meter 8.2-ton aeolian blade stand in the middle of the Aliados Avenue; it conveys a feeling of contrast, which so aptly describes the tension between social and cultural space, translating both into the artful way to raise awareness on the topic of climate changes and renewable energies, in the scope of Porto Design Biennale.

Art Ensemble of Chicago on stage at Casa da Música

Historic jazz band "Art Ensemble of Chicago" celebrates 50 years and the international tour reaches the stage at Casa da Música today, 15th October, at Sala Suggia, at 9pm.