
The second day of the place making event in Porto

Today, 4th November, artist Ernesto Neto kicks off the "Artist Talks", at 5pm at Rivoli dwelling on "Spirituality, Art, Politics: We are all Blended". Calixto Neto presents "oh! rage", a session scheduled to begin at 7pm, at Porto Municipal Gallery, and Sônia Guajajara, one of the most prominent Indigenous leaders and environmental activist of the present time will address the topic of Amazonia, at 9pm, at Rivoli.

Get ready for the inspirational gem event in Porto, brought to life by renowned speakers

At once inspirational and essential, the Forum of the Future 2019 runs from 3rd till 9th November, at Rivoli. The 7-day arts event in Porto tells you everything you've been wanting to know about territorial and cultural occupation.

Know where and when to get the free tickets for the Forum of the Future

All events are access free on production of the corresponding ticket, which can be collected at the corresponding venue, on the day of the event, maximum two tickets per person each session. See here where to collect your ticket.

We speak about past and present contexts at the Forum of the Future in Porto. Join us!

This year's Forum of the Future runs from 3rd to 9th November in different venues all over Porto and it dwells on the concepts of otherness, extraction and appropriation as a means to territorial and cultural occupation, in line, as well, with the celebrated symbolism of the 500 years of the first circumnavigation of the globe and the spirit which led Magellan to sail around the world.

Straight from the Renaissance to Casa da Música: the tonality of Baroque music

Casa da Música presents the 15th edition of "À Volta do Barroco" initiative, which runs from 2nd to 17th November. The choir symphonic work is devoted to the pieces by Mendelssohn.

How down-at-heel Oriental area in Porto is becoming revitalised

Porto oriental area is inspiring the opening of cultural spaces, namely the Palace Ramos Pinto, in the parish of Campanhã. This part of town now offers a main cultural attraction regarding contemporary art and art deco. All this thanks to the relentless efforts of Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira and his team, who do not forget Porto in its entirety.

Recital at Casa Comum of the Rectory of the University of Porto

The initiative "Música na Cidade" ["Music in Town", free translation] offers a concert by João Abreu and Tiago Silva, students at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and Royal College of Music, in London, respectively. The concert is held this evening, 25th October, at Casa Comum, in the Rectory of the University of Porto. It is scheduled for 6pm and entrance is free.

Framing reality at Porto/Post/Doc

Porto/Post/Doc: Film & Media Festival is a festival cinema of reality in Porto. The event kicks off on 23rd November and concludes on 1st December. The festival is hosted at Rivoli, Cinema Passos Manuel and Porto Planetarium.

Hooman Sharifi brings back past memories at Palácio da Bolsa this October

Hooman Sharifi takes to the Arab Room, at Palácio da Bolsa, to say that "The Dead Live On in Our Dreams", on 25th and 26th October at 9pm.

Towering Figure 2019 of the University of Porto recalls Paulo Cunha e Silva thinking

The Faculty of Sports of the University of Porto (FADEUP) hosts the "Dobra 9", a talk about "Corpo e lugar: uma polaridade ilusória", ["Body and Place: unrealistic polarity", free translation], on 23rd October, at 6pm, in the scope of the Towering Figure 2019 celebrations of the University of Porto.