
The Forum of the Future 2019 concludes today. Join us!

Today, Clémentine Deliss, London-born curator, researcher and publisher, and Sir David Adjaye, British architect, whose work spans exhibitions, private homes and artist collaborations worldwide will be at Rivoli. Join us!

"Music in my work is a force that can aim at that this utopia of freedom"

Visual artist and Master in Music by the Princeton University (USA), Vivian Caccuri was at the Forum of the Future, in Porto, to present her work "Febre-Amarela", which delves on the place of immunity as a way to hope in the future. The Brazilian artist agreed to share with Porto. what inspires her creative processes.

The Forum of the Future last day but one brings lore, utopia and epistemological roots to Serralves

The last day but one of the Forum of the Future will be entirely in Serralves, and it features an exhibition performance by Eszter Salamon, and two talks with artists Coco Fusco and Arthur Jafa.

Fiesta Warinwa holds wildlife and biodiversity dear in Africa

Fiesta Warinwa, Director in charge of Policy Engagement at the AWF, was at the Forum of the Future to talk about conservation in an ever-changing Africa, on 5th November, at 7pm, at Rivoli. She agreed to share her most important viewpoints on her work with Porto.

Chef Nuno Queiroz Ribeiro is a Melting Gastronomy Summit curator

Chef Nuno Queiroz Ribeiro, from Prochef Agency is the only Portuguese curator to participate in the Melting Gastronomy Summit, to take place in Porto, between 14th and 16th November at the Customs Building Congress Centre.

Vandana Shiva talks about Ecology, the Universe and our place in it, today at the Forum of the Future

Dr Vandana Shiva is the keynote speaker of the Forum of the Future, today at Rivoli, at 9pm. Author and activist, Vandana Shiva talks about deforestation, biodiversity and sustainability.

Vivian Caccuri, Lafawndah and Christina Sharpe take the stage at the Forum of the Future

Vivian Caccuri, Christina Sharpe and Lafawndah are today's keynote speakers at the Forum of the Future. At 5pm, Vivian Caccuri, the Brazilian artist that uses sound as the vehicle to cross experiments in sensory perception with issues related to history and social conditioning, delivers the performance "A Mão da Febre", on the issue of yellow fever in sugar plantations.

Clubedo features jazz on parade through Porto this December

The 2nd edition of Clubedo jazz event happens from 16 to 14 December, in Porto. It is organised by the Porta-Jazz Association and leads a journey to different forms of improvisational compositions and programmed sounds.

Tête à Tête with Henri Cartier-Bresson at Porto Customs

Marilyn Monroe, Coco Chanel, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Robert Kennedy, Edith Piaf and Martin Luther King! These are but some of the renowned notables that the French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004), head of the Magnum Photos Foundation, immortalized through his Leica, over a period of 70 years and which are part of the exhibition hosted by Porto Customs as of 31st October.

Celebrating Amália at Super Bock Arena - Pavilhão Rosa Mota, in Porto

Twenty years after the passing of Amália Rodrigues, the Invicta pays tribute to one of the greatest artists of the musical scene in Portugal, hosting the "Amar Amália" event, on 16th November.