
Census 2021 deadline submission extended until 31 May

The National Institute for Statistics collected already circa 3.7 million responses to the censuses, which corresponds to over 80% of the households. The deadline to register household information under the Census project (3 May) has been extended until 31 May, so that all citizens can complete the register online.

Dogs can help senior citizens cope with social isolation and start over

Dog is Man’s best friend, indeed. In Porto, Ânimas (Associação Portuguesa para a Intervenção com Animais de Ajuda Social) is implementing the “projecto Envolver” to help senior citizens take the first steps into an active life, following two lockdowns and preventive restrictive measures. The project is about encouraging the elderly to go back to an active life with the help of these companion animals that play an important role in reducing stress and anxiety.

U.Porto biologist is awarded a National Geographic Society grant

Luís Ceríaco, biologist and curator of the National History Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP), was awarded a National Geographic Society Grant to study in the Serra da Neve in Angola, one of the most unchartered and fascinating regions in the African continent.

Porto City Hall muppie campaign on Covid-19 is distinguished by the Graphis

The muppie campaign by Porto City Hall to raise awareness on the importance of complying with the preventive measures regarding the fight against Covid-19 has been distinguished at the International Design Competition Graphis Awards 2021 with an honourable mention.

Flea Market is back in Porto this May

Already in full spring mood, Porto hosts the Flea Market and offers the perfect opportunity to browse through a panoply of goods and items such as non-usual clothing, crafts and antiques. The Flea Market is back on 8th May, at the Praça da República, between 2 pm and 7 pm, as announced by the organization.

Porto City Hall marks World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Porto City Hall marks World Day for Safety and Health at Work, today, 28th April and takes the opportunity to reinforce the individual action each municipal worker has to take regarding the pandemic preventive measures.

Maria Cerqueira Gomes and Miguel Araújo are the ambassadors of the Porto. card

This is definitely a worthwhile card. Maria Cerqueira Gomes and Miguel Araújo are the ambassadors of the Porto. card and were welcomed at Porto City Hall yesterday to receive the card from Mayor Rui Moreira. The TV presenter and the musician add to the circa 7 thousand people who have a Porto. card and can now enjoy the city with significant discounts.

A building rehabilitation in Porto worthy of a silver MUSE

The project Infante, in Ribeira won Silver at the MUSE Design Awards 2021, in the Category Architectural Design and the sub-Category Renovation. The Studio Meireles Arquitectos rehabilitated the Infante building and cultivated the city with a project that stands out to the world.

Solidarity restaurants served 150 thousand meals in 2020

The network of solidarity restaurants implemented by Porto City Hall currently serves circa 580 meals a day. This number is gradually increasing since the last review in January. This is a sign of the crisis that led to the preparation of 150 thousand hot meals in 2020, by the three solidarity restaurants that are operating in Porto.

Porto Solidário extends support to another 400 households

Out of the 747 received applications under the 9th edition of the Porto Solidário municipal programme 419 applications have been approved. One hundred more since the programme has been launched, in the end of February. This programme is targeted at granting economic support to economic vulnerable households regarding house rent or purchase. The Municipality is strengthening the initial funding of this edition so as to include all the applications received.