
Porto launches educational campaign on urban hygiene because waste should never be out of place!

The challenge of implementing wise waste management systems in an urban setting, alongside viable and effective environmental solutions for the treatment and recovery of solid waste in Porto led to the launch of the campaign "O Porto é a Nossa Casa" ["Porto is our home", free translation].

How to build a sustainable city? Find how in Porto on 30 and 31 January!

"Together we shape a sustainable urban future"! This is the motto of the CITIES Forum 2020, which runs in Porto on 30th and 31st January. This two-day major event is jointly organised by the European Commission, the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and the City of Porto.

For Porto, being a sister city really means something

Porto provided financial help and donated over two thousand books to Beira, Mozambique, on a proposal by the Mayor Rui Moreira, and which deserved the agreement and applause of all political forces represented in the Municipality.

Illustration to animation: animated film illustrator Patrick Doyon explains how it works at the Rectory

Conference with the illustrator and director Patrick Doyon, at the Casa Comum of the Rectory of the UP, on 29 January, at 6.30pm, under the IndieJunior Allianz. The event is access free, but subject to prior registration.

World Mayors convene in Porto to debate sustainable tourism in 2021

World Mayors convene in Porto to analyse the challenges of sustainable urban tourism, in the scope of a summit, organised by UNWTO in in the first half of 2021. The World Tourism Organization is the United Nations specialized agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism.

The correlation human being and social identity: How does it work?

Actress Camilla Morello presents her solo performance "Urna", to stimulate debate on the relationship between the human being and his/her social identity, at Theatre Campo Alegre, on 7th February, at 9pm.

Are you in for a weekend of fun free water events?

This weekend is everything you need to splash into an array of activities. On 24, 25 and 26 January, there will be water aerobics classes and free health screening for everyone, at the Municipal Pool of Constituição, in Porto. Entrance is free.

From folklore to science: UP researchers help decode genome of giant squid

Scientists from Porto are part of the team that was able to sequence, for the first time, the full genome of the giant squid, shedding some light on the species' life in deep sea.

Cosy classical Candlelit Concerts in Porto celebrate Beethoven! Save the dates!

On 30 January and on 8 April, at 8.45pm and at 10.30pm, respectively, Ateneu Comercial do Porto hosts the events "Candlelight concert: Beethoven's 250 years", featuring a string trio for violin, viola and cello.

Animated film illustrator Patrick Doyon will let everyone in the illustrator job, ?from the horse's mouth?

The IndieJúnior Allianz event includes a conference with the illustrator and director Patrick Doyon, at the Casa Comum of the Rectory of the UP, on 29 January, at 6.30pm.