News Porto.

Round table on the new degree on AI and Data Science organised by the FCUP and the FEUP

The FCUP and the FEUP will debate the state of play regarding the new degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. The Round Table gathers on 21 June and joins several experts, from companies and from the academia, to answer questions such as “what are the needs of companies operating in these domains?”, “who are the experts that work in the field of AI and Data Science?”. The Round Table starts at 4.30 pm, at the FCUP’s Library and will be streamlined live via the FCUP YouTube channel.

Municipal sports programmes will be taken inside due to inclement weather

The bad weather forecast for this coming weekend is not suitable for outdoor activities; as such, “Days with Energy” and “Sundays in Shape” municipal programmes are taken to municipal pavilions. The sports programme promoted by Ágora, scheduled for 19 and 20 June, will be transferred to inside municipal facilities, due to bad weather conditions.

The Municipality of Porto launches innovative application to explore the city in real time

The Municipality of Porto created a new service, the Explore Porto, which challenges both residents and visitors to explore the city in a different manner. This is the first time that a unique platform provides real time information on transports and other highlights. This service was created to provide useful and reliable information on mobility and areas of interest in Porto, thus ensuring the shift from a static planned information system to a real time information system provider.

A most splendid stained glass window can be found in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto

A most splendid stained glass window adorns the main hall of the modern complex of the Faculty of Pharmacy (FFUP) and the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS), of the University of Porto. It is a coloured stained glass that was forged in 1934 and survived a fire in the grounds of the faculty, in 1975.

Love and correspondence on display at the Triplex

The exhibition themed “Cuidar Selvagem: Arquiteturas de amor e correspondência”, curated by Ana Jara and Alberto Altés is on display at the The Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão, namely at the Triplex, which is part of the Museu da Cidade. This event is included in the activities by Porto Design Biennale 2021.

Direct contact with nature impacted on citizen’s health during Covid-19 lockdown, experts say

A study by the Public Health Institute of the University of Porto (ISPUP), in partnership with the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology da Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB), showed that contact with natural settings during the first lockdown, in Portugal and in Spain, had a positive impact on people’s health.

The good guys that also know ‘every trick in the book’: the Art of Forgery explained by experts at Porto Customs

As the saying goes, “fake it till you make it”, right? Not quite. There are experts on the side of the law and police officers that know how things work, as well. Porto Customs presents a seminar on counterfeiting, especially as regards paintings, relics and aristocratic titles, on 17 June. The event is organised by the Judiciary Police (PJ), in the framework of the celebrations of the Judiciary Police 75th anniversary. The event starts at 5.30 pm.

President of the Republic of Cabo Verde received Honorary Doctorate

The University Portucalense awarded an Honorary Doctorate to the President of the Republic of Cabo Verde, Jorge Carlos de Almeida Fonseca. The ceremony took place yesterday afternoon at the University’s Aula Magna.

Positive body boost with free Pilates, Yoga, tai chi and de Rose Method sessions

The weather forecast seems favourable for this weekend; as such, the municipal programme “Days with Energy” free activities for Saturday and Sunday will go ahead, as scheduled.

Students of Porto Ballet School take to the stage at Coliseu Porto Ageas

The performance “Ballet Concerto”, by the students of the Porto Ballet School takes to the stage at Coliseu Porto Ageas on 18 June, at 9 pm. This show is the consolidation of the work developed by the school during the pandemic. See here for more information.