News Porto.

The Great Wine Capitals Global Network puts Porto in the Wine Tourism Route

More and more American citizens are visiting Portugal on account of enotourism, and the city of Porto is a mandatory stop in connection with the Douro Region World Heritage, and the Vinho Verde Region.

Sanctuary for Xenophobia and intolerance at Palácio dos Correios from 2 to 7 July

Eight artists await the audience. They are at a maze. The members of the audience enter the installation in small groups and walk the eight scenarios. The goal is to listen to the stories the refugees from Syria, Eritrea or even from Europe. This performative installation, by Brett Bailey, is titled "Sanctuary" and it will be on show at the Palácio dos Correios (next to the City Hall), on the 3rd floor, from 2 to 7 July.

What surprises await you for the 2018-2019 Porto Municipal Theatre season?

The 2018-2019 cultural season of Porto Municipal Theatre is aimed at attracting more people than ever and the main denominator is a rich and vibrant programming. Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto and in charge of the Culture Department of Porto City Hall unfolds the main highlights regarding the artistic performances: more than 63 events and new artistic discoveries. The kick off moment of the new cultural season happens on 6 September.

Food Festival is back in town in July in the City Park

The festival that celebrates food is back in town on 7 and 8 June, at the City Park. This event kicks off the "summer is in Porto" programme and it is sponsored by Continente. Save the date in your agenda and invite family and friends as entrance is free.

The University of Porto elected the new rector

António Sousa Pereira took office as the new Rector of the University of Porto and made it his primary commitment to fight chronic underfinancing. "The permanent state of uncertainty regarding financing undermines any chances of planning and implementing long term strategies", the new Rector declared, quoted by Lusa.

OECD Conference on Skills starts tomorrow in Porto

The Skills Summit'18 Porto runs on 28 and 29 June in Porto and gathers over 20 OECD Member States and partner countries. This is the first time Portugal organises this meeting, which occurs every two years, and gathers ministers and state secretaries in charge of teaching and higher education, professional training, work, science and innovation, economic development and digital politics.

Major Mobility issues under discussion at the MobLab Congress in Porto on 4 July

It is estimated that in some cities in the world, almost one third of traffic relates to people trying to find a parking space. This is one of the issues that will be on the table for debate in the first edition of the MOB Lab Congress, to be held in Porto, at the Foundation Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda, on 4 July. This event is jointly organised by Porto City Hall and IFE by Abilways.

Chemistry, Engineering and Educational Sciences meet at a Bar...

The next PubhD Porto, an informal event aimed at disseminating science, will take place at the Pinguim Bar, on 28 June, starting at 9.30 pm. Experts on Chemistry, Engineering and Educational Sciences will gather to discuss numerous issues such as school failure and the role of the teachers in the inclusion of children and young people in residential care, the catalysing phenomena in metals such as gold and the implication of such phenomena in biosensor production. Another topic on the table i...

Holiday Season invite for a different Sunday at House-Museum Marta Ortigão Sampaio

"A chegada do sol" ["The coming of the Sun", free translation] is the topic for a different outing, on July 1st at House-Museum Marta Ortigão Sampaio (CMMOS), now that summer is officially in town.

Fridays and Saturdays offer public transport that suits all needs

MOVE PORTO metro 24H during the weekend is back. Nonstop public transport guarantees night service in Porto every Friday and Saturday from 28 June until 7 October. This is the fifth consecutive year of such initiative, themed MOVE Porto Metro 24H that guarantees Subway service all night long on Friday and Saturday.