News Porto.

High speed train between Porto and Galicia “is fundamental” for both regional economies

The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, and the President of the Regional Government of Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, are in favour of the strategic project to link the North of Portugal and the region of Galicia, in Spain, by a high speed train to boost the economic growth of these two neighbouring regions.

Foco Famílias or a rewarding weekend for families by Porto Municipal Theatre

This weekend, on 12 and 13 December, Porto Municipal Theatre (TMP) presents the fourth edition of Foco Famílias. This is an online event, suitable to the ongoing circumstances and a rather creative way to welcome families to TMP’s celebration of leisure time with our loved ones. The weekend activities come in all shapes, as it brings along performances to enjoy as a family, recipes to make the mouth water, dance and even talking over the phone with a giant sloth.

Porto Urban Art Open Call this December

The programme of Porto Urban Art is about to launch another Call for artistic interventions in the city’s public space. This new phase of this project is curated by Hazul, the artist from Porto. The initiative is implemented by the municipal company Ágora – Cultura e Desporto do Porto. The novelty is that a new Wall will be made available to the entire community; also, five projects will be put forward, by local artists.

Once Upon a Time... at São João National Theatre

Today, 11th December and on 13th December, as well, two shows will stand on stage at the Educational Centre of São João National Theatre, at 7pm and 11am, respectively. These are the final projects of the Theatre Clubs Under-18 and Under-88.

Outdoor events as Xmas markets and Fairs are the places to spot the next big gift for the festive season

The festive season is not the same without the merriment of Xmas markets and fairs; and while complying with all the protective health measures to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, it is still possible to visit these traditional stalls and find that one gift you’ve been longing for.

Last night’s show proved why the municipal project “Desporto no Bairro” promotes kids empowerment in social neighbourhoods

For three months, the Momentum crew and its director, Max Oliveira, together with Ágora Porto worked with kids from eight neighbourhoods in Porto: Aldoar, Fonte da Moura, Viso, Ramalde, Cerco, Lagarteiro, Pasteleira, and Pinheiro Torres. Circa 500 kids learned a different lifestyle, a healthier one and literally have broken boundaries, as now they know they can follow dreams.

Porto is on its way to becoming a climate neutral city by 2030

Vice-Mayor of Porto, Filipe Araújo attended the European debate on climate neutral cities and highlighted the role that cities play during the transition to carbon neutrality and carbon offsetting. As such, several examples were laid down to illustrate what the city of Porto has been doing to meet the Paris Agreement aims, and reach a post-carbon economy, by 2030.

Porto provides HIV/AIDS testing free of cost in both a mobile and a stationary unit

The HIV/AIDS screening actions are carried out by the Centro de Aconselhamento e Deteção Precoce do VIH/SIDA do Porto (CAD VIH/SIDA Porto), which is the Counselling Centre for the earlier diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, both within its mobile unit and in the stationary unit. Know where the mobile unit will be this month of December, in Porto.

Três Tristes Tigres iconic band from Porto take to the stage today at Passos Manuel

Today, 10th December, the “Cultura em Expansão” municipal programme takes the iconic band from Porto, “Três Tristes Tigres” to the stage at Passos Manuel, who will feature their latest album “Mínima Luz”. The band released this album after a long break in their musical creation. The concert kicks off at 7.30pm and entrance is free, but prior collection of the ticket is mandatory, starting at 5.30pm, on site.

The new amazing editions of Criatório and Shuttle for 2021

The new editions of the cultural municipal programmes Criatório and Shuttle, for the coming year of 2021, have been approved by the Executive Meeting, earlier this week. The Criatório opens applications this 16th December to award 25 grants, worth 15 thousand euros; fifteen of those grants will be awarded to artistic creation projects and ten grants for programming spaces. The purpose is to promote the solidification of artists, cultural agents and spaces’ activities in Porto.