News Porto.

Going all the way to an existence of full innovation merged with tradition in the city of Porto

Mayor Rui Moreira is determined to help build a brighter and better city of Porto. The 100 year old city market Bolhão is one of such powerful examples! See how things are going.

Skate It Up at Ramalde Skate Park, starting this Saturday

The news for the weekend: free skate lessons at Ramalde Sports Park resume this Saturday. Sessions are scheduled for the entire weekend, always between 10am and the strike of noon.

P.E.D.R.A. live streaming on TMP Facebook

Porto Municipal Theatre presents the live streaming of P.E.D.R.A. - Educational Project in Dance Teenager Directory (free translation), on TMP's Facebook on 14th June, at 6pm.

Purchased tickets for NOS Primavera Sound 2020 are valid for the 2021 edition

The 9th edition of NOS Primavera Sound would have been full swing this week, at Porto City Park, between 10th and 12th June. However, due to the ongoing pandemic, the festival is a no go and purchased tickets must be exchanged for the coming festival's edition in 2021, to guarantee entry at the festival.

Participate in a Worldwide Archives Celebration and visit Porto Municipal Archive

The Municipal Archives in Porto provide access to five online videos on the vast documental collection that will let you in the history and the foundation of the identity of the city of Porto throughout the centuries.

No Covid-19 reported cases in Porto for four consecutive days

According to the general health bulletin, the Municipality of Porto does not report any new infection cases by the new coronavirus for four consecutive days, which is something that happens for the second time since the pandemic started.

Feel good with the free municipal wellness programmes that comeback this weekend. Sign in!

The programme "days with Energy" resumes this Saturday 13th June, with the double of free classes of Pilates, Yoga and Tai-chi. In addition, the comeback of the "Sundays in Shape" programme happens on 14th June, also with enhanced number of sessions and with a new timetable, as it will be held weekly, instead of every two weeks. Participation is free, but subject to prior registration.

Cartoon art showcases Saramago in Porto

The virtual Porto Cartoon exhibition, featuring circa 40 caricatures of José Saramago is on display at the Art and Spot Gallery, in Porto, at Alameda Shop & Spot, during the month of June.

Take the virtual guided tour and learn about the "magic box" of Theatre

The National Theatre São João (TNSJ) invites for virtual guided tours, till 31st July. This is a remarkable opportunity to learn about the theatre from the perspective of reputed personalities of the theatrical sector, namely António Durães, Emília Silvestre, Nuno Carinhas, Francisca Carneiro Fernandes and Eduardo Paz Barroso, or even the architects Luís Soares Carneiro and João Carreira.

Campo Alegre Theatre resumes film screenings on 11th June

Campo Alegre Theatre/Medeia Filmes opens doors on 11th June, as all sessions had been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Cinema screenings are taking up again with the filmography by Spanish director Luis Buñuel.