News Porto.

Speaking photographer with Porto Photo Fest 2018

The second edition of Porto Photo Fest is running till 21 October in Porto, at the historic centre. The world's top photographers are in town to present workshops on what makes a professional photographer thrive, namely João Carlos, Sara Lando, David Nightingale and Silvia Bifaro, among others. The activities programme includes workshops, masterclasses, portfolio reviews, photography film screening, Influencer days and exhibitions.

A Love Supreme debuts at Rivoli on 1 and 2 November

Contemporary dance choreographer, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker joined Salva Sanchis and they have created "A Love Supreme", based on John Coltrane's critically acclaimed self-titled album. The show will be on stage in Porto, at Theatre Rivoli, on 1 and 2 November.

Mark the agenda: Alfred Brendel lectures on Mozart at Casa da Música on 21 October at 6 pm

Alfred Brendel retired from the concert platform ten years ago. He devoted most of his time to his other interests, namely writing and lecturing. On 21 October, the pianist, poet and author will lecture on Mozart at Casa da Música, at 6 pm.

National Peace Memory Hall calls on the dismantling of nuclear weapons

Tomoo Kurokawa, National Peace Memory Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims Director visited the exhibition "A-Bomb Exhibition, Hiroshima and Nagasaki", on show at the main foyer of Porto City Hall, from 2 October till 30 November. This is a very special occasion as it marks the 73rd anniversary of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombings, during World War II. Mr. Kurokawa wanted to leave a message of peace and urge nations to curb the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Ambassadors from the EU member countries hold work meeting in Porto

A working meeting was held in Porto, gathering 20 ambassadors from the EU member countries, at the invitation of the Embassy of Austria. At Casa do Roseiral, the delegates wanted to know more about the role of the Mayor of Porto, as this position holds different competences according to their respective country.

Puppets that tell a story at fimp'18 this weekend in Porto

The Mue Marionnettes was created as a professional company in 2013, and its fundamental mission is to create short versions of shows that are everything but short. There is intimacy, tenderness, intensity.

The Forum of the Future welcomes Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood, a Canadian multi awarded poet, novelist, writer, literary critic, essayist, inventor, teacher and environmental activist will be at the Forum of the Future, in the city of Porto, from 4 to 10 November. The writer will talk about the importance of mythology in her work, encompassing topics such as gender, identity, language and social order.

Porto leads as best practice in Heritage preservation

The international project lead by Porto, AtlaS-WH, was selected by the European Union as a landmark reference regarding Heritage and Patrimony preservation and protection. This selection is available online, in an e-book presented in Brussels.

"Too Close" tonight at the Faculty of Engineering

The vocal group "Jogo de Damas" launches its newest work "Too Close" this evening at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of Porto University (FEUP). The concerts is scheduled for 9.30 pm. Entrance is free.

Porto will be the world capital of computer programming in 2019

The International Collegiate Programming Contest is the largest and the oldest IT programming competition in the world, and it will gather 1500 IT students in Porto, from 31 March to 4 April 2019.