News Porto.

International job opportunities spotlighted at the Cité des Métiers

The Cité des Métiers delivers two workshops regarding apprenticeship and employment opportunity in Europe, namely in London, UK. The workshop will take place on 13 September, under the theme "Living, Studying and working in London, UK", and it will provide participants the advantages of working in that capital, both regarding work placements and language learning. There are 20 available positions.

Clasping freedom in a dance show at Porto Book Fair

Author and poet from Porto, José Mário Branco, inspires dance performance by Balleteatro at Porto Book Fair. Each weekend, the Fair will feature a 15 minute performance of this dance show, always by the Lago dos Cavalinhos.

The identity of the City Museum in Porto was awarded by the Graphis Awards 2018

The identity of the City Museum won the Silver award at the International Design Competition Graphis Awards. The design of the City Museum is part of the polycentric Museum concept, developed by Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto, with the fundamental goal of aggregating the existing, or emerging, museum nuclei in Porto.

Urban initiatives that shape better cities, one fountain at a time

Porto has been labelled a smart city, a creative city, a city that thrives through green or sustainable environmental policies. Indeed, Porto is a foundry of creativity, opportunities and innovative social practices.

AquaPorto 2018 tackles climate change

AquaPorto, one of the most important events on water and science at national level, will be held from 28 to 30 September, at the City Park in Porto. The activities programme includes more than 80 scientific, pedagogical and recreational experiences on the importance of water and over 25 thousand people are expected to attend the event. All events are free of charge.

Porto Photo Fest 2018 edition happens in October

The city of Porto hosts the 2018 edition of Porto Photo Festival from 13 to 21 October. David Nightingale, renowned Fuji-x UK photographer will deliver the "Shoot the Street" workshop in Porto, on 20th October. Participants will head to the temporary setting of the Bolhão Market where they will capture portraits of the life and emotions of market owners, interact with the crowd, and capture the heart of the city.

Guided tours to museums in the city of Porto

There are guided tours to Casa-Museu Guerra Junqueiro and Casa-Museu Marta Ortigão Sampaio in Porto. Saturday, on 8th September, there is a guided visit to the artwork by Nobel Literature winner Günter Grass, and the House Museum Marta Ortigão Sampaio hosts another session of the "Out of Hours visit Cycle", in the evening of the 6th September. Starting at 6 pm.

Performances at the Serralves Museum

The Fundação de Serralves will play host to the event "O Museu como Performance" ["The Museum as Performance"], on 8 and 9 September. This is the fourth time that the Fundação de Serralves gears the dissemination of new expressions regarding performing arts.

Municipal Gallery tells the story of musical trends in the city of Porto

Friday, 7th September, Porto Municipal Gallery opens a new exhibition on the recent past of music in Porto. Accept the invitation to the "MUSONAUTAS, VISÕES & AVARIAS: 1960-2010" exhibition, as of 7 pm. The aim of this display is to revisit five decades of music trends in Porto, from music that appeals to insurgence to electronic or experimental music.

Performance by Orquestra XXI brings Mozart to Casa da Música

The thriving music scene of the city of Porto brings classical music to old and new fans, featuring a rich repertoire, with compositions of Mozart, Ligeti and Beethoven. Orquestra XXI was created five years ago and marks this occasion with a concert tour that begins on 6th September, at Casa da Música, at 9 pm at Sala Suggia.