News Porto.

Museu da Misericórdia celebrates its third anniversary with exhibitions and concerts

The MMIPO - Museu da Misericórdia of Porto marks three years next Sunday, but celebrations start today, at 10 am with free concerts and a ticket given on the purchase of another. The activities programme include the opening of the contemporary art exhibition "Anda a roda: obras da Coleção de Serralves", featuring artwork from the Serralves Collection.

Metro runs all night long on Fridays and Saturdays

Nonstop metro service guarantees night service in Porto every Friday and Saturday from 28 June until 7 October. Revellers can enjoy Porto by night without cutting their outings short in the Invicta as MOVE ensures safety, mobility and comfort in the context of nightlife transport availability.

Recyclable collection in Porto with natural gas vehicles

Porto is getting greener by the day, with the new vehicles for recyclable trash collection running on natural gas. The recycling collection all across town is carried out with "green" vehicles in order to reduce pollution and improve the carbon footprint.

Vinho Verde Wine Fest begins today in Porto

The 2018 edition of the Vinho Verde Wine Fest which is by and large "the greatest investment ever made", as stated by the Viticulture Commission of the Vinho Verde Region, starts today and will run till 15th July, at the Customs Building, in Porto.

Stronger relations with U.Porto and China to enhanced cooperation

The University of Porto and the Shanghai Institute of Technology (SIT), of China, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), on 6th July at the Rectory of Porto University.

The Times(s) of Contemporaneity seminar debates the state-of- the-art thinking on contemporary art

The first seminar on the theme "The Time(s) of Contemporaneity", organised by Collective Pláka, runs from 24th to 27th July, at Palácio dos Correios, 7th floor. This event is aimed at debating the state-of- the-art thinking on contemporary art and art practice, distinct temporalities in our times and how contemporary art is built. The seminar has a cost of 50 euros.

Serralves Park is open for night walks and showcases art work by João Paulo Feliciano

The Serralves Foundation will once again bring light to night this summer season. The project "Há luz no Parque" ["There is light in the Park"] for this year, invites to night-time trips as of 13th July until 9th September. This year's programme includes the special participation of artist João Paulo Feliciano. "This artistic collaboration has different dimensions: on one side, the artist's creative work is set up at Serralves Park, namely installations of light; on the other side, his...

International Folklore Festival is back in Porto from 21 to 29 July

The International Folklore Festival City of Porto is now in its thirty-eight edition. For nine days in July, from 21st to 29th July, more than 250 participants, from groups that showcase the heritage and culture of eight different countries will perform in locations such as Trindade Metro Station, Quinta de São Romão, the Social Centre of Sé, the Garden of Arca d'Água or the Gomes Teixeira Square.

Portuguese Symphonic Band tribute concert to Günter Grass

The House Museum Guerra Junqueiro promotes a tribute concert to Günter Grass, by the percussion Ensemble of the Portuguese Symphonic Band, on 21st July, at 9.30 pm. The performance should take about one hour and it includes works by Mind Gap - Luís Tinoco, Anvil Chorus - David Lang, Swerve - Gene Koshinski, Venin - E. Sejourné, Trio Per Uno - N. J. Zivkovic, Kyoto - John Psathas and Drumming the hard way - Carlos Azevedo.

Best Padel Rally in Portugal is held downtown Porto from 19 to 22 July

The best Padel competition in the country, the Open Carlsberg, is back in Porto this month of July. The D. João I Square features the main matches of this competition, between 19 and 22 July. This competition is included in the official schedule of the Portuguese Padel Federation.