News Porto.

Le Stade de Wimbledon opens French film shows at Rivoli

The journey to french cult film is the first topic of the Seventh Art sessions that will take place every Tuesday at Rivoli, starting on 23 January, at 6.30m pm. The film screening features two 35mm films, "Le Stade de Wimbledon", by Mathieu Amalric, at 6.30 pm followed by the presentation of the film "Trois ponts sur la rivière" by Jean-Claude Biette at 10 pm.

Scott Kelly at the Rivoli's understage on 27 January, at 11 pm

Scott Kelly will be on stage at the Rivoli, on 27 January, at 11 pm. The singer will present tunes from his new project alongside music from his musical projects "The Wake" or "The Forgiven Ghost In Me".

Wine event celebrates 15 years with renewed commitment to quality

The 15th edition of the Wine Essence event (EV) will take place between 22 and 25 February, at the Palácio da Bolsa (Stock Exchange Palace) with renewed commitment to the quality of Portuguese wine, ensuring international disclosure as to raise awareness of Portuguese labels across borders.

Mayor of Porto stated mission is enhancing synergies between Porto and the North Region of Portugal and Galicia

"We don't want the AVE (high speed train). Vigo's airport has to be Porto's airport because the airport of Vigo doesn't exist", Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira stated. In an interview for the newspaper "Voz de Galicia", Rui Moreira lays out his long-term vision for the city of Porto and the North region of Portugal, and explains how the city of Porto has experienced gentrification, economic slowdown, and a disappearing middle class throughout the eighties and the nineties and even in the last...

Thousands of partygoers went to Rivoli

Dance, theatre, performance, music and a lot more to mark the 86th anniversary of Rivoli. The event was entirely access free and the celebration went on for nearly 20 hours non-stop.

Exhibit on the history of Coliseu on display at Porto City Hall lobby is extended till 31 January

The exhibit "O Coliseu e a Cidade: 75 Anos de Histórias" [The Coliseu and the City: 75 years of Stories], on display at Porto City Hall main lobby and scheduled to end on 19 January, will be on show till 31 January.

The New York Times writes about the best and worst countries to travel to and Portugal is a top destination

The Government of the United States of America has issued a ranking on the most and least dangerous countries for American citizen's to travel to. Although there are many reasons that compel someone to visit a nation, like culture, gastronomy, and heritage, one of the prime reasons nowadays is probably safety. Portugal is ranked as a safe destination to travel to.

Sixteenth century Jacobus Sacon Bible is on display at MMIPO till 21 January

The Jacobus Sacon Bible Exhibition, a volume of the 16th century, integrating the National Palace of Mafra acquis, is on show at MMIPO - Museu da Misericórdia do Porto.

Today is the last day to visit the exhibit "Coliseu and the City: 75 Years of Stories" at Porto City Hall

Today is the closing date of the exhibit "O Coliseu e a Cidade: 75 Anos de Histórias" [Coliseu and the City: 75 Years of Stories]. Inspired by the aesthetic value of artist Piet Mondrian, the display demonstrates the modernist items that are part of the Coliseu Porto acquis, and also elements from the Municipal Archive and the Portuguese Photography Centre collection, some being shown for the first time.

Debate on the future of democratic political representation on 22 January at Almeida Garrett Library

The National Assembly, jointly with Porto City Hall, promotes a colloquium to debate the future of democratic political representation in Portugal at the Municipal Library Almeida Garrett, on 22 January, on the occasion of the 200 years of the establishment of the Sanhedrin, in the context of the Bicentennial Celebrations of the Portuguese Constitutionalism.