News Porto.

Celebrate Father's Day with entrance free at Clérigos and Easter with night Tours

As of Friday, March 16 and till Easter Sunday, there will be nightly guided visits (between 7 pm and 11 pm) to the Clérigos Tower. Moreover, on Father's Day, celebrated March 19, Clérigos offers free admission to fathers and their children to the Clérigos Heritage and an access free concert.

Porto travelled to Bangkok for the International Cooperation Seminar between Sister Cities

The city of Porto is attending the International Cooperation Seminar of Sister Cities, which takes place in Bangkok, the organising city, till March 16. This meeting aims at sharing best practices in the field of International relations.

Spring storefronts competition in Porto

If one swallow does not make a spring, Porto believes that storefronts throughout town "shouting" spring might just do the trick. The contest "Spring Storefronts" is back. This initiative is in its second edition and its fundamental goal is to boost local trade, through the promotion of creative activity by local traders.

The importance of ethics in society is the topic of debate at National Museum Soares dos Reis

"Olhares sobre a Ética" [Glances at ethics] is the topic of a debate to be held at National Museum Soares dos Reis, on March 15th, organised by the One World magazine, devoted to international businesses, management, strategy, geo-economics, international politics, culture and lifestyle.

Porto City Hall awards rehabilitation projects in the city

The regeneration of the city's architectural heritage by private initiative was awarded by Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, in a prize-giving ceremony held at the main hall of Porto City Hall. The Prize "João de Almada" was presented to the best accomplished rehabilitation projects.

Screening of German films "The Marriage of Maria Braun" and "The captain" on March 20 at Rivoli

The small auditorium of Rivoli screens German film shows on March 20, featuring "The Marriage of Maria Braun (German: Die Ehe der Maria Braun) directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder at 6.30 pm, and "The Captain" (German: Der Hauptmann) directed by Robert Schwentke, at 10 pm.

Porto Tech Hub Conference is back in May to talk about the future

"Future Jobs and Technologies" is the prominent issue of the Porto Tech Hub Conference 4th edition. The event will be held on May 18th and once more, Porto will be the international arena for discussing innovation and technological evolution.

Efficient lighting in the city to save energy and reduce CO2 emissions

The operation "Porto.Luz + Eficiente", regarding the efficient public lighting programme in the city of Porto, involves significant reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Since the beginning of the operation, on January 1st 2016 and 28 February last, there was a reduction of electrical power consumption, estimated at 2.886.908 kWh.

Porto hosts symposium on promoting the rehabilitation and eco-efficiency of ancient buildings

Environmental sustainability on urban regeneration will be the prominent issue at Casa do Infante, on March 22 and 23. This is the first symposium to be held in the context of ENERPAT, the European project of co-creation of energetically efficient territorial solutions of Patrimonial Residential habitat and eco renovation in SUDOE historical centres, with the support of the Communitarian Initiative INTERREG III C - SUDOE.

Porto received the Mid-Sized city award for FDI Strategy by the Financial Times in Cannes

Porto was awarded today in Cannes, by the fDi - Intelligence Magazine, a key publication in the financial area, the 8t Best Mid-Sized City for FDI Strategy, at a ceremony held in the context of MIPIM - The world's leading property market that runs from 13 to 16 March 2018 at the Palais des Festivals, in Cannes, France.