
Portugal ao Vivo features 20 concerts at Super Bock Arena - Pavilhão Rosa Mota

The "Portugal ao Vivo" event will herald the reunion among artists and audiences; two of the major national producers joined the city Hall of Porto and of Lisbon to present 40 shows simultaneously: 20 performances at the Super Bock Arena - Pavilhão Rosa Mota and another 20 performances at the campo Pequeno. The first show is scheduled for 31st October, with Xutos & Pontapés taking to the stage; the final concert happens on 19th December, with Mariza. the main goal is to help livelihoods of...

This time, Cultura em Expansão plays with shadows at Bouça and Miragaia

The municipal programme Cultura em Expansão features two new performances in the neighbourhoods of Bouça and Miragaia, this weekend. Entrance is free, upon prior collection of the ticket two hours before the beginning of the show.

Rivoli hosts the Eurovision philosophical Song Contest this weekend

The Eurovision philosophical Song will now be held in Porto, on 2nd and 3rd October, at the Rivoli. The purpose is to lead to a debate towards the meaning of pop songs and identity issues underlying European countries, as well. Eleven thinkers of eleven countries were challenged to write songs that would mirror the relationship between humanity and major philosophical issues.

Photojournalist Alfredo Cunha's exhibition evokes 50 years on the job at Leica Store

A career-spanning exhibition of Alfredo Cunha's work for circa 50 years is on display at the Leica Store Gallery. Mayor of Porto was invited by Alfredo Cunha for a guided tour to the exhibition. The "Leica Years" exhibition is on show at the Leica Store Gallery (Rua de Sá da Bandeira, 48-52). It can be visited from Monday to Saturday, between 10am and 7pm. All DGS preventive health measures are in place.

Celebrations of the 1820 Liberal Revolution centennial resume with a book launch and an exhibition

Thursday, 1st October marks two highlights in the Bicentennial of 1820 Liberal Revolution. The inauguration of an exhibition at the Military Museum on the prelude of the 24th August and the launch of a book that recounts the 40 days that have changed Portugal, authored by Vital Moreira and José Domingues.

Cineclube do Porto celebrates 75 years with a special programming

Cineclube do Porto, the oldest film society in Portugal celebrates its 75th anniversary. These film clubs enable people to watch films that are not screened in mainstream cinemas. The Cineclube do Porto was established on 13th April 1945, at the height of the Salazar dictatorship, at the Alexandre Herculano High School, in Porto. The original name of the film society was "Clube Português de Cinematografia", but the name that endured thus far is "Cineclube do Porto" and after 75 years, it is...

It's time for a new chapter: the Municipal Audio Room opened doors on 26th September

The Municipal Vinyl Audio Room of Porto City Hall (Fonoteca Municipal de Vinil da Câmara do Porto- FMP) opened doors on 26th September, with a careful selection of 35 thousand vinyl records. It is true to say things have been polished and redefined and that as of last Saturday the public will have access to a large collection of phonograms in vinyl format, which was the result of two donations to the Municipal Sound Archive by Rádio Difusão Portuguesa and Rádio Renascença, back in 2008.

The Electric Tram Museum celebrates the European Heritage Days! Embark on a unique journey

This weekend (and the weather looks promising!), on 26th and 27th September, the Electric Tram Museum (Museu do Carro Eléctrico) features guided tours, which will enact different moments in the museum's history.

New exhibitions that shape the cultural season at Miguel Bombarda

This coming Saturday, on 26th September, 15 contemporary art galleries at the Arts District of Miguel Bombarda feature new exhibits, and the novelty is that these exhibits can be visited from home.

Clérigos Tower marked 5 million visitors in a public ceremony

The Brotherhood of the Clérigos celebrated the mark of 5 million visitors and has invited the President of the Republic to play the role of the illustrious "5 million" visitor. The public ceremony, which included the unveiling of a commemorative plaque, concluded with the visit by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to the monument, accompanied by the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, the Bishop of Porto, D. Manuel Linda, and by the President of the Clérigos Brotherhood, father Manuel Fernando.