
Porto celebrates International Youth Day

Porto City Hall celebrates International Youth Day (IYD) with several activities targeted at young people. The celebration kicked off on 10 August and runs for the entire week till 18 August. This year the motto of IYD is "Transforming Education" and it enhances the struggle to make education more important, fair and inclusive for all youth, including efforts by youth themselves.

Free Holiday camp offers urban art. What a mix!

This Holiday Camp offers free urban art for young people at the MXM Art Center, between 12 August and 8 September.

Discover the Anatomy of Life by the riverside Porto at the Customs Building

The exhibit "Human Body- Science of Life", on show at the Customs Building in Porto will remain on display till 20 October, so take the chance this weekend and while strolling the riverside in Porto, visit the rather impressive and informative exhibition of real human bodies, which has sparked curiosity and awe around the world with over 47 million visitors globally.

Mobile library goes to the rescue of enthusiastic readers at the beaches! Fear not!

During the month of July, the "bibliocarro", a mobile book vehicle that lends books, magazines and newspapers to those enjoying a day at the beach, is parked by the Praia do Molhe and runs as a beach library. Operating hours are from Monday to Friday, from 9.30am till 5pm.

Partial lunar eclipse visible from Quinta do Covelo

Sky watchers can witness the partial lunar eclipse from Quinta do Covelo on 16 July, at the Centre for Environmental Education through the visual observation with a telescope, guided by experts. This event is entrance free and children aged six or more should be accompanied by an adult.

Porto cultivates reading habits in preschool and primary school students

There is a pilot-project that is already a success regarding the Reading and Writing Training in the schools of the municipal public network of Porto. The project involved circa 700 children that attend preschool and primary school in the state and municipal public network in Porto and the results of the Centre for research and intervention in Reading (CiiL) were presented on 11 July, at ISEP- Institute of Engineering of the Porto Polytechnic Institute.

London's best medical student is from Porto

Miguel Campos is 23 years old, he is from Porto and was honoured "Best Medical Student" at King's College Faculty of Medicine, in London, UK, as he was the best student in his degree, in a total of 480 fellow students. The medal that King's granted Miguel Campos acknowledges the work developed over the last six years: he had the highest grade in all the theoretical and practical examinations.

Student from the University of Porto wins WOCA 2019 Student Poster Presentation Award in the USA

The PhD student of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), Ana Cláudia Santos, has won the WOCA 2019 Student Poster Presentation Award, granted in the context of the World of Coal Ash Conference, which took place in St Louis, USA, from 13 to 17 May 2019.

IBM Quantum Computer debated at UPTEC in Porto

The Future of Computing event happens at UPTEC- Science and Technology Park at Porto city, from 1 to 5 July. This initiative is organised with the support of the Municipality of Porto, via ScaleUP Porto.

The most creative and fun party for children is in Porto

This year's Children's Party will head to Quinta do Covelo, in Porto, from 31 May till 2 June. It will be a party full of music, happiness, and also a fun fat programme of activities. Entrance is free.