
Stay fit and join an event that gives back on Xmas

The University of Porto really has some of the best ideas for giving back and helping out this season. The event "Atividade física por uma causa" ["Physical Activity for a Cause", free translation] is the motto for a worthy initiative: you take part in the UPfit Programme for free and in return you give goods that will help those on need.

Land on the Moon with Porto Planetarium

Porto Planetarium - Living Science Centre celebrates 21 years and to mark this date it set up a special activity: the screening of an immersive own production film "Vítor e Sofia vão à Lua", ["Victor and Sophia go to the Moon", free translation]. Entrance is free.

Porto believes that better schools lead to a better city

The rehabilitation project of the Primary School of Bom Sucesso was concluded and Mayor Rui Moreira and his team paid a visit to the school community that now thrives in a quality environment. Porto City Hall will continue to define Education as one of the priority action areas.

Go see bats before they hibernate at Quinta do Covelo

There will be a Special Edition of the "Evenings with Bats" [Noites com Morcegos] initiative, on 25th October, at 5pm, at CEA - Environmental Education Centre, at Quinta do Covelo.

Grünenthal Foundation awards pain relief research from the University of Porto

The Grünenthal Pain 2018 Prize, in the total value of 15 thousand euros, has been granted to research teams of the Biomedicine Department, namely the Developmental Biology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and the Pain Relief team of the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology (IBMC), with the Institute of Health Research and Innovation (i3S), of the University of Porto.

Daniel Innerarity inaugurates the Academic year at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto

Daniel Innerarity, a full Professor of Philosophy and listed as the 25 world's most influential thinkers, by the prestigious French magazine Le Nouvel Observateur, will proffer the Inaugural Lecture at the official ceremony marking the start of the academic year at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, today, 16th October, at the Grand Hall of the Faculty, starting at 5.30pm. Entrance is free.

The message is very clear: Mayor Rui Moreira claims specific regulation on specific drug use contexts

Mayor Rui Moreira and his team have this solid ambition to reach a society free of the problems caused by drugs; as such, the city's policies were arranged so as to regenerate the social network that involves a coordinated global approach to meet the problems of all the disadvantaged people, be them drug users, homeless people or mental health affected people.

Ana and Pedro Walgode study at the UP and are world runners-up of the World Roller Games 2019 senior Dancing Couples

Ana and Pedro Walgode are siblings and both study at the University of Porto. They combine study and figure-skating competition and became world runners up of Senior Dancing Couples within the World Roller Games 2019, in Barcelona.

The Faculty of Engineering provides orientation days to new mobility programme students

From 9 till 20 September, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) helps new mobility students settle in town, as the first weeks can be a bit weary. Check out the Orientation Days!|

The International conference on architecture and digital technologies happens in Porto

The Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, FAUP organizes the international conference themed "Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution", between 11 and 13 September. This is the result of two institutions combining their annual conferences in the areas of architecture and digital technologies, the eCAADe (Europe) and the SIGraDi (Ibero America).