
Happy 206th birthday Charles Darwin! Let's celebrate Darwin day in Porto!

The Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Porto (MNHC-UP) invites everyone to celebrate Darwin International Day, with free events for the whole family. Set the date on your agenda, as on 16th February, Porto Botanical Garden and the Biodiversity Gallery - Centre for Living Science- provides a "one of a kind opportunity to remember Darwin, in a fun and educational way".

Children's stories pave the way to learning English in Porto. This Saturday is all about the Three Little Pigs!

The Municipal Library Almeida Garrett features the second session of reading in English for families with children from the age of 3 years, on 8 February. Prior registration is mandatory and the second session of 2020 is scheduled for 3.30pm at the Almeida Garrett Municipal Library (BMAG). Participants are invited to the reading of the tale "Three Little Pigs".

IndieJúnior Allianz 2020 concludes on 2nd February

The IndieJúnior Allianz features the event "Film + Debate" on "The Challenge of talking about sex to the youngest, at the Casa Comum of the Rectory of the University of Porto, on 30th January, at 6.30pm. Entrance free, up to seat capacity.

Illustration to animation: animated film illustrator Patrick Doyon explains how it works at the Rectory

Conference with the illustrator and director Patrick Doyon, at the Casa Comum of the Rectory of the UP, on 29 January, at 6.30pm, under the IndieJunior Allianz. The event is access free, but subject to prior registration.

This must be the most amazing movie theatre ever! Come watch, in Porto!

IndieJunior Allianz cinema festival invites to embark on a special adventure at the Electric Tram Museum, where special film sessions will be screened on board a parked tram. Take the tram and embark on this journey!

American students talk politics and policies with Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira

This afternoon, former Ambassador of the United States of America to Portugal, Allan Katz and an entourage of American professors and students of Politics and International Relations of the William Jewell College, Missouri, were welcomed by Mayor Rui Moreira at Porto City Hall.

The University of Porto puts in place Active Breaks to increase physical and emotional health

The Active Break project was first established in February 2019, at the Rectory of the University of Porto; for 15 minutes, staff members are challenged to take a break and to stretch their muscles, under the supervision of Sports Science Faculty technicians. It boosts welness.

Children's stories are now told in English at Porto Municipal Libraries

Throughout the year, the first Saturday of each month, Porto Municipal Libraries play host to a programme whose aim is to provide children the pleasure and the benefits of listening to fairy tales narrated in English. This initiative is organised by the British Council. Access is free.

International students at Porto University celebrate Xmas supper filled with joy and peppered with sharing

Circa 200 international students at Porto University gathered on 11 December at the Faculty of Law for an earlier Christmas supper filled with joy and peppered with sharing, in which the main attraction was the tasting of traditional festive cuisine from more than 25 different countries.

Porto marks World Aids Day by raising awareness on prevention

World Aids Day is celebrated on 1st December and the Municipality of Porto greatly relished the date with the lighting of iconic buildings in town. The purpose of this initiative -"Porto, Cidade Sem Sida", ["Porto, City without Aids", free translation] is to raise awareness on HIV and that everyone acts aware and helps ensure that all those affected by HIV are treated fairly and with understanding.