News Porto.

Porto Municipal Theatre presents "Brother" within Japanese International exhibition

The performance "Brother", featured at Rivoli's 85th anniversary in 2017, was presented at the Performing Arts Meeting, the Artists' Salon in Yokohama, Japan, on 14 February. "Brother" was jointly produced by Porto Municipal Theatre and artistic director and choreographer Marco da Silva Ferreira.

A mobility App worth up to 30 thousand euros

February 16th is the end date for the entry period of the technological competition launched by the European project EMBERS, in the field of mobility. This initiative encompasses the adoption of "smart city" project applications responding to specific challenges within three cities, one of which is Porto. The most innovative and effective project will be granted 30 thousand euros.

4th edition of Cultural programme "Uma Família Inglesa 2018" at mala voadora

Annual cultural programme "Uma Família Inglesa" [An English Family] is back to mala voadora Company in 2018. This is the fourth edition of a programme that will end in 2020. This year's edition runs from 15 to 18 February and features three shows, namely "I Could Go On Singing (Over the Rainbow)" by FK Alexander, "Story #1" by Greg Wohead and Rachel Mars and History, History, History by Deborah Pearson.

Ryanair launches Porto/Seville route

Ryanair will start operating the Porto/Seville route for the 2018 winter flight schedule. This new route will have three weekly flights and it is schedule to begin late October. According to information provided to the press, flights will be available for purchase as of March.

Casa da Música features film shows with live soundtrack

Casa da Música invites film lovers to enjoy a good old-fashioned film show, with the screening of movies accompanied by live music. The cycle Invicta.Música.Filmes will run from 17 to 20 February.

Free tour day at Torre dos Clérigos on 14 February

On 14 February, you pay no entry at all to visit the Torre dos Clérigos in Porto. In 2017, the monument welcomed 145,718 visitors and marks this visit record number with free entrance to the landmark building.

International Technical Footwear Congress will take place in Porto next May

Porto will play host to the 20th International conference on industrial footwear on 17 and 18 May. Professionals from different countries will gather at the Invicta for the 20th International Technical Footwear Congress, a very much awaited event with a wide range of applicants and dozens of journalists who have expressed their interest in joining this conference.

Call for strategies to fight cancer in Europe with the 1st Gago Conference

The Health Research and Innovation Institute (i3S) from the University of Porto will host the first "Gago Conference on European Science Policy". This event is sponsored by the Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal (MCTES) and will bring together in Porto, on 14 February, European researchers, politicians and entrepreneurs for a wide-ranging debate on Europe's present and future cancer research.

La Mélancolie des Dragons by Philippe Quesne

The Rivoli Grand Auditorium features "La Mélancolie des Dragons », by Philippe Quesne, on 16 February, starting at 9.30 pm. The Director, Quesne stages a diptych show, "La Mélancolie des Dragons". In a magical snowy setting the dragons and their dog will find Snow White, and build a minimalist and multifunctional amusement park.

Rivoli screens Godard and Antonioni films

Rivoli screens "Masculin Féminin", by Jean-Luc Godard, and "Blow-Up", by Michelangelo Antonioni, within the "Ver primeiro" [Watch first] cycle at Rivoli, on 13 February.