News Porto.

Porto hosts International Conference on Circular Economy, March 21

The prominent issue of the International Conference to be held in Porto this Wednesday, March 21, is Circular Economy. European Officials will attend this event, where the city of Porto will take the opportunity to show its strategy for the sustainable development of the so called circular economy.

Exhibit "27 Collages" retrieves the heritage of comic strips

From Uderzo and Hal Foster, to Jean "Moebius" Giraud and Hergé, all the greatest comic strip authors are recalled in the context of the exhibit "27 Collages", on display at the Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão (Carlos Alberto Square), as of March 17th.

DañsFabrik Festival in Brest Focus on Portugal featuring Porto Municipal Theatre

Prestigious International Dance Festival DañsFabrik - Festival de Brest, Focus on Portugal featuring Porto Municipal Theatre. Tiago Guedes, choreographer and director of Porto Municipal Theatre, is the guest honour and curator of Focus Portugal in the Festival.

Porto is taking steps forward to have electric buses on the road

The city of Porto is taking a step forward to take on a brand new technology: electrically powered buses. Powering a vehicle with electricity costs less than using diesel or natural gas.

Exhibit "Germinal" opens this evening at Porto Municipal Gallery

Porto Municipal Gallery opens the "Germinal" exhibition, later today, starting at 9.30 pm. This display is organised jointly with MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology. This event is access free and it marks the beginning of the season at Porto Municipal Gallery, as well as its renewed partnership with the EDP Foundation as its sole sponsor till 2020.

Harmos Festival features concerts and masterclasses on Classical Chamber Music

The city of Porto hosts the Harmos Festival, which kicks-off on March 20, featuring several concerts and lectures, and gathering the best students of the worlds' most renowned music schools.

Take a cool tour around urban markets at Silo Auto and Hard Club

As of today, the hard Club's Urban Market is the perfect opportunity to browsing through the panoply of goods and items such as non-usual clothing, crafts and antiques. The three-day market can offer you the bargain you have been looking for. Also, the Flea Market, on Saturday, March 17th, awaits you at the seventh floor of Silo Auto.

Celebrate Father's Day with entrance free at Clérigos and Easter with night Tours

As of Friday, March 16 and till Easter Sunday, there will be nightly guided visits (between 7 pm and 11 pm) to the Clérigos Tower. Moreover, on Father's Day, celebrated March 19, Clérigos offers free admission to fathers and their children to the Clérigos Heritage and an access free concert.

Porto travelled to Bangkok for the International Cooperation Seminar between Sister Cities

The city of Porto is attending the International Cooperation Seminar of Sister Cities, which takes place in Bangkok, the organising city, till March 16. This meeting aims at sharing best practices in the field of International relations.

Spring storefronts competition in Porto

If one swallow does not make a spring, Porto believes that storefronts throughout town "shouting" spring might just do the trick. The contest "Spring Storefronts" is back. This initiative is in its second edition and its fundamental goal is to boost local trade, through the promotion of creative activity by local traders.