News Porto.

Fantastic Realism Engraving Exhibition by Caspar Walter Rauh at Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão

The work by German artist Caspar Walter Rauh and the Fantastic Realism Engraving Exhibition is on display at the Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão, 26 October starting at 6 pm. The exhibit approaches the dimension of this artistic movement which had as a great personality the German graphic designer, illustrator, and painter Caspar Walter Rauh (1912/1983), following the Second World War.

Alternative fair devoted to well-being and health starts 27 October at Customs Building in Porto

Starting 27 October and running until 29 October, the Customs Building hosts the fourth edition of the Alternative fair of Porto. Regarded as one of the greatest events in the areas of health, personal development and general well-being, this initiative promises a large weekend devoted to different therapies, like yoga, meditation, reiki, massages, Readings and Healing of Aura and dances.

The city of Porto has validated a second mandate of Mayor Rui Moreira

On 1 October the city of Porto has expressed its will in the polls and has validated the mandate of Mayor Rui Moreira. The formal inauguration of the Municipal Executive for the four-year period 2017-2021 took place on 25 October. Mayor Rui Moreira' second inauguration speech happened in Rivoli Theatre. This ceremony usually takes place at the City Hall, so this was a signal of the importance that the Municipal Government attaches to culture.

Photographer launches campaign to publish book on city windows

Over the past years André Vicente Gonçalves has spent most of his time travelling around cities and towns to photograph Windows that express the local identity. Windows of the World is the editorial project that this photographer is developing. A crowdfunding campaign is ongoing to tackle financial issues.

The "Festival Extremus" promotes inclusion through arts

The International Festival Extremus kicks-off 25 October in several schools and auditoriums throughout the cities of Porto and Gondomar and runs till 28 October. This event is sponsored by the Portuguese Cerebral Paralysis Association (APPC) and it is aimed at joining on stage handicapped and non-handicapped actors in order to raise awareness on the value of social inclusion.

Animated film made by elementary school students is awarded in Croatia

Students took on the role of Director and made an animated film. The animated film "Pelas ruas do Barredo", made by students of the Alegria Elementary School has won the Dubrovnik Film Festival Grand Prize 2017, in Croatia. This film was made within the Educational Programme of Porto Municipality "Porto de Crianças" (Porto of Children), under the guidance of CLIA/ANILUPA from Associação de Ludotecas do Porto (Porto Playroom Association).

Rivoli features "Vanish" and "A Tecedeira que lia Zola", 27 and 28 October

Rivoli features two alternate performances 27 and 28 October. The trilogy "Vanish" provides an insight of the bourgeoisie, its growing hatefulness, deceptive appearances, kept longings and religious assumptions. The second performance is "A Tecedeira que lia Zola" (The weaver who read Zola) by Gonçalo Amorim. This is the second part of the trilogy of troubled youth, inspired by revolutionary movements and providing them the opportunity to reflect and meditate.

Tech Company from Porto elected the Best Company to work for in Portugal

Blip, Tech Company from Porto, has nearly 300 employees and achieved first place in the "100 Best companies to work for" ranking from Exame magazine. The company also leads in the workspace and Personal growth categories. Relaxation, informality, and fun accompany hard and methodical work that deserves recognition.

Architectural office of modular construction in Porto wins international award

The architectural firm Summary, from Porto and headquartered at UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of Porto University has won the international Red Dot Award: Design Concepts, in the "Habitat" category, with the Gomos Modular Building System. The project is on display till January 2018 at the Red Dot Museum in Singapore.

Run-up to Porto Marathon

Porto Marathon is held 5 November and registrations are open. As in previous years, Porto marathon gathers thousands of athletes of all ages. In 2016, the event brought together 15,000 athletes.