News Porto.

Anti-racist International Film Festival at Rivoli

Rivoli opens doors, once more, to raise awareness against racism and indifference by screening a film festival - MICAR - devoted to combating racism and xenophobia, from 13 to 15 October.

Porto delivers top performer criteria to host EMA

The Portuguese application to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is among the most eligible applications, with Porto ranking among the five "top performer" cities, regarding key criteria for selection. Further to the European Commission's assurance that the Portuguese application gathers the necessary requirements, this independent study reaffirms that Porto is able to host EMA.

First project financed by municipal programme "Criatório" commences in Serralves

The critical thinking assembly, Metabolic Rifts is the first funded project by the municipal programme "Criatório" and it will begin 14 October, in Serralves. The purpose of this project is to foster critical thinking and to sustain transversal practices and discourses in visual and performing arts. The starting point will be at Serralves Auditorium, at 2.30 pm.

One hedgehog and a hawk are returned to nature in the City Park of Porto

Wild animals are safely released to their natural environment in Porto City Park. A hedgehog and a hawk were returned to nature, as part of various release and reintroduction programmes, under the celebration of World Animal Day, on 4 October.

Campus Accommodations of University of Porto undergo renewal work

The University of Porto, through its Social Action Services (SASUP), has launched a rehabilitation and reconstruction programme, the purpose being to improve the habitability conditions and streamline student accommodation in the city.

i3S is among the team which won a European Health Care Prize

The Research Institute for Healthcare Research and Investigation (i3S) has announced today that a European project, in which i3S is part and that helps identify signs of genetic problems, namely cancers and hereditary neurodegenerative conditions, has won the Health European Award.

Tribute to Harry Dean Stanton at Teatro Rivoli October 10th

Harry Dean Stanton, American actor, musician, and singer, with a career that spanned over six decades, will be honoured at Teatro Rivoli, by Medeia Filmes, 10 October, starting at 6.30 pm.

National Geographic brings to Porto the largest "photographic ark" in the world

The Biodiversity Gallery - The Live Science Centre hosts as of 17 October "a bit" of the largest "photographic ark" in the world, made of unique images of endangered species. The city of Porto welcomes the International project Photo Ark by photographer Joel Sartore, whose aims is to "connect the right people to commit with biodiversity of our planet and to protect it".

Seeing the world through Steve McCurry's lenses in Porto

From 10 October to 31 December, the Customs Building in Porto will host the exhibition "The World of Steve McCurry", the multi prized North American photographer, globally-recognized for having photographed Sharbat Gula, "Afghan Girl", which made the cover of National Geographic magazine in June 1985.

Entrepreneurship and Franchising Congress at Palácio da Bolsa

Porto's Stock Exchange Palace (Palácio da Bolsa) plays host to the 1st Portuguese Congress of Entrepreneurship and Franchising, on 9 October. This event is organised by the Portuguese Franchising Association (APF) that also celebrates its 30th anniversary and gathers over 30 guest speakers, both national and international that will approach several issues on the sector.