News Porto.

Souto de Moura has been awarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale of Architecture

Eduardo Souto de Moura has been awarded the Golden Lion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibit at the Venice Biennale, which opened on 26th May. Portugal enters the competition with the "Public Without Rethoric" exhibition.The International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale will be on show till 25 November.

Serralves is just around the corner to cheering June

Already one of the largest events of contemporary culture in Europe, Serralves em Festa has the party itinerary sorted for you. The party is officially "on" as of June 1st and it will for sure enliven the city with gaiety, buzzing with people from all over the world and creative events.

Start & Scale Week 2018 brought together 1 500 people in Porto

The Start & Scale Week was held from 5 to 11 May in Porto. This was a truly tour de force in a city that breaths entrepreneurship, innovation and technology. Over seven days, the city was taken over by the creative impetus of developers, researchers, hackers, programmers, gamers, policy makers, decision makers, who shared knowledge, networked and organised masterclasses and workshops to share best practices and technical solutions.

Soloists of the Symphonic Band perform to honour Günter Grass on 25 May

The Guerra Junqueiro House-Museum hosts a tribute concert to Günter Grass, by the soloists of the Portuguese Symphonic Band, led by conductor Francisco Ferreira. This concert is entrance free but limited to room capacity. It is scheduled to start at 9.30 pm and it is part of the ancillary programme to the exhibit "Günter Grass: Encontros".

"Coalition of the willing" to decarbonise transports is launched in Germany

The Transport Decarbonisation Alliance (TDA) was officially launched on 24 May, in Leipzig, Germany. The TDA Members, of which the Atlantic Front comprising the cities of Porto, Matosinhos and Vila Nova de Gaia are founding members, join forces to promote the global transformation of the transport sector. The urgent measures on the climate agenda are speeding up the implementation of a net-zero emission mobility system before 2050.

Porto will be hosting the European Super Cup in August 2020

Save this date: in August 2020, the city of Porto, Portugal will host the annual football match contested by the reigning champions of the two main European club competitions, the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Europa League.

North Music Festival debuts in Porto with the best line-up ever on 25 and 26 May

North Music Festival debuts in Porto with the best line-up ever on 25 and 26 May at the Customs Building in Porto. Festival goers can head to Porto to see artists play, from The Prodigy, Gogol Bordello, Guano Apes, Mão Morta, to Linda Martini, Slow J or DJ Ride. But there is plenty more on the calendar: besides music there are food trials, wine tastings, a gamming zone and film screenings just to mention a few.

Wax by Renaud Herbin at Porto Municipal Theatre- Campo Alegre in June

The show put together by Renaud Herbin, "Wax" can be interpreted as something that is undergoing transformation. The performance features its last performance of the 2017/2018 season at Porto Municipal Theatre, Café Teatro Campo Alegre, on 9 June 2018.

Professor of the Faculty of Architecture of Porto University leads Portuguese Representation at the Venice Biennale 2018

"Public Without Rhetoric" is the name of the selected project to represent Portugal in the 16th Venice Architecture Biennale. Nuno Brandão Costa, lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), together with Sérgio Mah offer a journey through the "Public Building" of Portuguese authorship. This project comprises 12 works "created at a time when Western Europe is faced with limits and possibilities and architecture mirrors its non-conformity by...

Cultural Walks take you to the most famous and traditional Jewellers in the city of Porto

The true image of the Portuguese jewellery is the motto to take this cultural journey and discover the most traditional "Jewels and Jewellers: a neoclassical and contemporary look, part II". This session starts at 3 pm at the intersection of Santa Catarina and 31 de Janeiro streets, next to the Reis e Filhos Jewellery shop and it will be guided by historian Isabel Andrade Silva.