News Porto.

The "romanticised idea" of reopening the Trindade Cinema paid off: 50 thousand viewers went to the cinema in a year

Following the reopening of Cinema Trindade, which still is the "only street cinema" in Porto with daily sessions, the concept was a success and about 50 thousand people went to the movies. There will be a special programming to mark the occasion.

QSP Summit 2018 programme now available

The programme for the QSP Summit 2018 is now available and Daniel Goleman will be one of the keynote speakers of the event, which takes place on 22 March, at Exponor. Emotional Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Disruptive Marketing, Digital Strategy, Mobile Marketing, Content Marketing, Tourism, Personal Marketing, Focus and Productiveness, Leadership Communication, Trends and Brand Activation actions are some of the topics of this major Conference...

Winter flowers brighten city gardens in Porto

Winter flowers bring a splash of colour and liveliness to grim winter days as is the case of the Garden of S. Lázaro in Porto. In such places it is as if the city had winter and spring in a single day. A stroll amongst camellias and magnolias bursting in colours might just be what one needs to enliven the soul.

Astrophysicist of Porto is awarded a European grant of 160 thousand euros to study the evolution of the stars

Astrophysicist Tiago Campante, researcher of Institute for Astrophysics and Space Science (IA) and professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), was awarded a Marie Curie scholarship of 160 thousand euros, for studies regarding the evolution of stars and planets.

Meeting of Young Researchers of the U. Porto gathers more than 850 participants

More than 865 students will participate in the 11th edition of the Meeting of Young Researchers of the U. Porto that will run from 7 to 9 February at the Centre for Medical Research of the Faculty of Medicine of Porto University. This event is sponsored by Santander Universidades, and its main goal is to bring to light new talents among science students. There will be 251 oral presentations and 163 poster presentations in the fields of health, engineering, architecture, art, culture, economy,...

"Box of stories" to relive Coliseu Porto as a "producer of culture"

The President of Coliseu Porto, Eduardo Paz Barroso, the musician Pedro Abrunhosa and Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira have evoked the stories of 75 years of Coliseu Porto, on 1 February in a ceremony open to the public, in the main lobby of Porto City Hall.

Filmography by Jean-Claude Brisseau screened at Campo Alegre

The Film Cycle devoted to the acclaimed and controversial French Director Jean-Claude Brisseau, which begins today, 1 February and runs till 7 February at Theatre Campo Alegre jointly with Medeia Filmes will screen four of Brisseau's films, namely: "The Girl from Nowhere" (French: La Fille de nulle part), a 2012 French drama film and the trilogy "Sex taboos", on eroticism and the nature of female pleasure, which includes "Secret Things" (French: Choses Secrètes) is a 2002 French erotic...

Architecture Guide helps discover the landmark projects of the past 75 years in Porto

The "Porto Architecture Guide 1942-2017" is launched today at 7 pm. The event takes place in the main lobby of Porto City Hall. This book will guide you through more than 200 reference projects in the urban landscape of the city of Porto, which exhaustively portrays the modern movement till the present time.

Casa da Música holds solidarity concert for Syrian students on 4 February

Casa da Música and Global Platform for Syrian Students jointly organise a concert of solidarity for Syrian students on 4 February, starting at 6 pm. Pianists Mário Laginha and Pedro Burmester will take the stage at Sala Suggia, in Casa da Música, to raise funds to the Global Platform for Syrian Students, aimed particularly at providing emergency assistance to these students, who have been prevented of pursuing their university education on account of war.

The uprising of 31 January 1891 inspires the political decentralisation debate

As long ago as 1891, brave men from Porto stood against the centralised government that concentrated most of the political and economic decisions in the capital city of Lisbon. Their efforts were in vain...or not! As up to this day, the ideals they were fighting stand true: the fight for equality and the right to determine one's own destiny.