
The world's smallest language takes to the stage at Campo Alegre this October

Alex Cassal & Paula Diogo premiere "The World's Smallest Language", a play to unveil the memories of minderico, mirandês and barraquenho, on 4 October at Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre, at 9.30pm.

Porto University Choral Society is touring Brazil

From 28 August until 10 September, students from the Porto University Choral Society the University of Porto (OUP) will be touring Brazil, with an array of performances scheduled in Rio de Janeiro and in São Paulo.

The community is also a cultural venue and this time round it hosts Sophia's Journey in Pasteleira

On 6 September, the Associação da Pasteleira Torres Vermelhas in Foz, Porto, hosts "A Viagem" ["The Voyage", free translation] by Portuguese poetess Sophia de Mello Breyner, starting at 9.30pm. Entrance free.

Italian Duo Musica Nuda to perform at Casa da Música

Porto hosts a concert by the Italian Duo Musica Nuda, who are touring Europe and will go on stage at Casa da Música, on 3 October. This performance presents Petra Magoni (vocals) and Ferruccio Spinetti (double bass).

Travelling art all over Portugal by Serralves to celebrate thirty years of this cultural institution

Serralves celebrates its 30th anniversary and showcases art from its collection throughout the country. Thus, parks, palaces, museums and galleries are the happy recipients of Serralves artwork. This is done in the framework of a partnership between the Serralves Foundation and several municipalities in the country.

August brings outdoor cinema at Casa das Artes

The Casa das Artes, in Porto, showcases "As Noites de Boris" ["Evenings with Boris", free translation], an outdoor cinema initiative that features short films, at 10pm. Entrance free.

The piano festival that makes Porto go round

Porto PianoFest festival is back in town from 1 till 9 August. On 6, 7 and 8 August, promising pianists will show their worth at the Rectory of the University of Porto, taking to the stage in the framework of the "Young Talents' Recital. These events are entrance free and start at 7.30pm.

In the mood for jazz at the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal this August

Porto hosts the cycle "Porta-Jazz ao Relento" ["Outdoor Festival Porta-Jazz", free translation] every Saturday in August, offering 5 concerts that will bring new narratives in jazz through premieres and unique artistic partnerships. There will be a DJ set after the performances (till 1am) and audiences will be able to revive the Jazz mood.

Never before seen works by Olafur Eliasson showcased in Serralves Museum and Park

Serralves will host Olafur Eliasson artwork, starting on 31 July 2019 and running till 8 March 2020 in the Museum, and till 14 June at Serralves Park. The artist was born in Copenhagen and stands out not only by his large scale sculptures and installations, but also by the integration of art and the public space.

Nothing compares to the sound of "La forza del destino" by Verdi at Coliseu Porto Ageas, on 26 October

Coliseu Porto Ageas and the São Carlos National Theatre (TNSC) join to present the Italian opera "La forza del destino" ["The Force of Destiny], by Giuseppe Verdi, on 26 October, at 8pm. Tickets cost between 20€ and 50€ and are available as of 26 July at Coliseu Porto Ageas, the Blueticket and local venues.