
Last performances of "Wild Spring" on stage at TNSJ

Take time to attend the last performances of the play "Wild Spring" by Arnold Wesker, on stage at the National Theatre São João (TNSJ) in Porto till 28 July. The play features the issues of political and social discontent, which can be regarded as a portrait of current society, and how that unrest undermines relationships.

Restored version of the film 'Francisca' by Manoel de Oliveira screened at the Venice Film Festival

The film 'Francisca' (1981), by filmmaker Manoel de Oliveira will be screened in a restored version during the 76th Venice Film Festival, which runs from 28 August till 7 September in Italy.

A most fascinating public sculpture is located at Montevideu Avenue, in Porto

A most fascinating public sculpture is located at Montevideu Avenue, in Foz, Porto. The "Homem do Leme" or "Helmsman" was inaugurated on 27 January 1938 and has its own cultural curiosity.

Porto Design Biennale 2019 focus on "Post Millennium Tension"

The first edition of Porto Design Biennale (PDB) 2019 advances a programme to rethinking design in the new millennium. The programme titled "Post Millennium Tension" features activities, workshops, performances, installations and talks.

Yangyang Ruan from China wins Santa Cecília International competition

The Chinese pianist Yangyang Ruan has won the Prize "Cidade do Porto" in the scope of the 21st edition of the Santa Cecília International Competition, following a concert at Casa da Música, on 21 July.

Porto Pianofest or the art of listening to classical music

Porto PianoFest festival is back in town, starting on 1 August and running till 9 August. Concerts and recitals will be held at Casa da Música, at the Rectory of the University of Porto and at the Palácio da Bolsa.

Enjoy a free French Jazz concert at the Rectory of the University of Porto

The Rectory of the University of Porto (UP) presents the French Jazz concert "La Vie en Swing Duo", on 23 July, at 9pm. Entrance is free.

Piano Marathon at the Rectory in Porto

The Piano Marathon Santa cecília taks e splace on 19 and 20 July, from noon till 8pm at the Auditorium of Casa Comum of the Rectory of the University of Porto (UP). Entrance is free.

87 exhibitors feature their activities at Porto Book Fair

Porto Book Fair received 87 valid applications for the 2019 edition, totalising 130 pavilions. The Literary event is back to the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal from 6 to 22 September, and its main goal is to promote books, cultural and recreational initiatives to suit all tastes.

Enjoy the smooth sounds of jazz all over August in Palácio de Cristal

The cycle "Porta-Jazz ao Relento" is back this August to the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal, featuring a novelty this year: a DJ set after the end of each concert. As usual, every Saturday in August offers can't-miss events on Porto's cultural calendar, inviting visitors of all ages to celebrate all things jazz.