
Artwork by painter Graça Morais on display at Soares dos Reis National Museum

The exhibit 'Metamorfoses da Humanidade', ["Metamorphosis of Humanity", free translation], by Portuguese painter Graça Morais will be on display at National Museum Soares dos Reis, in Porto, from 25 July to 29 September.

Move with MEXE in Porto this September, with more than 400 artist from six countries

The warm-up of MEXE kicks off from 13 to 15 September, devoted to documental cinema. In total, seven documentaries, mostly national premieres, will reveal artistic proceedings and practices that combine education and citizenship.

"Wild Spring" on stage at TNSJ in Porto

The play "Wild Spring" by renowned play writer Arnold Wesker premieres at National Theatre São João (TNSJ) in Porto, on 18 July at 9pm and it will be on stage till 28 July.

Jazz is back in Serralves every Saturday till 20 July

Jazz is back in Serralves Park every Saturday till 20 July, at 6pm. The Jazz in the Park hosts the best jazz, be it relaxing, upbeat, slow, fast, or erratic. Listeners are sure to be taken on an emotional journey, just as a physical one.

Luis Buñuel single and ingenious work screened at Campo Alegre starting this week

Theatre Campo Alegre features a cinema cycle devoted to the work by Luís Buñuel. Starting on 11 July and running till the end of this month, Medeia Filmes and Leopardo Filmes organise the most relevant recap of the outstanding filmography by the Spanish filmmaker who worked in France, Mexico and Spain. Buñuel directed 32 films, 25 of which will be screened at Campo Alegre, in Porto till the end of July.

Don Quixote shows that chivalry is not dead at Rivoli

"Don Quixote" will take to the stage at Rivoli, on 11 and 12 July at 9pm and it repeats on 13 July at 7pm. This classic by Cervantes is one of the great legacies of the choreographer Marius Petipa, which debuted in Russia in 1869.

Music is on a mission as there are Concerts4Good at Campo Alegre

The Municipal Theatre Campo Alegre hosts a Concerts4Good - Music on a Mission initiative, on 11, 12 and 13 July, at 9.30pm and at 6pm. Concerts4Good - Music on a Mission! This is the name of a project, borne out of a craving to spread social solidarity all over the world through music. The project was created in 2012, by Spanish pianists Carles Lama and Sofia Cabruja.

Santa Cecilia International Competition from 14 to 21 July in Porto

Porto welcomes a hundred young musicians in the context of the 21 edition of Santa Cecilia International Competition, from 14 to 21 July. This year's edition starts on 14 July and concludes with a final, open to the public, on 21 July, at Sala Suggia at Casa da Música.

Oh look! The Circus is in town with Trengo

Trengo - Porto Circus Festival is in town, as great things - some strange, though - start to happen in Porto, namely at D. João I Square. Crowds gathered to feel the sort of magical atmosphere that surrounds a venue every time magic and arts meet.

Five days five films in Porto by the School of Arts till 6 July

Summer School on Art & Cinema presents an open programme to the community in Porto. Cinema and contemporary art go hand-in-hand this week in Porto in the framework of the 2nd edition of the Summer School on Art & Cinema, an initiative by the School of Arts of the Portuguese Catholic University that brings together students, artists, and directors till Saturday.