
Águas do Porto shares guidelines on how to deal with water after a long lockdown

Águas do Porto recommends that all clients follow the guidelines regarding empty buildings and water sitting in pipes during the Covid-19 lockdown. These guidelines were issued by the Water & Environment and Services Regulatory Authority for Water and Waste (ERSAR).

STCP passengers show exemplary citizenship and abide by new rules under the Covid-19 pandemic

Yesterday was day one after the country exited the Emergency State and public transportation resumed 95% total routes. During the current pandemic, there are new rules to follow to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus to protect both passengers and bus drivers.

Porto municipal microsite on COVID-19 explains Public Calamity Situation

Porto municipal Microsite on Covid-19 brings together the measures agreed to control the pandemic, both at municipal and national level during the Situation of Public Calamity.

A must watch film by Ingmar Bergman

The Cinephile Quarantine is streaming online free films by great directors. This week, watch "The Seventh Seal" by Bergman. The film is available from 5th to 7th May.

Bus travel in Porto Metropolitan Area during the novel coronavirus pandemic

Starting today, 4th May, STCP - The Society of Collective Transports of Porto implements new rules regarding passenger transport. Thus, ticket validation is mandatory, route service is adjusted to 95% of the company's capacity and passengers must use a mask. Vehicles will be disinfected throughout the day as well. Bus drivers also use masks and visors.

The Municipality of Porto keeps contingency measures till 10th May to prepare phased reopening

Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira issued an Order to renew the preventive measures in place to fight the current pandemic till 10th May. This means that this period is extended 10 days after the Emergency State is lifted. Rui Moreira sees this as "the necessary period to pursue a gradual, phased return of workers to municipal facilities and services", as "there is no effective solution to treat the disease just yet".

Porto City Hall urges population to adopt civic behaviours in traffic, parking and garbage disposal

The return to normalcy is phased and demands that everyone has special attention to comply with the civic behaviour, which some people have disregarded lately. This means also that peole must follow the new rules for social distancing.

Rali de Portugal 2020 is postponed. New best timing is May 2021

This is another event to be affected by the Covd-19 pandemic. The ACP - Automobile Club of Portugal confirmed this morning it postponed the Rali de Portugal as the county is combatting the new coronavirus pandemic.

Open House Porto is postponed for 3rd and 4th July 2021

The Open House Porto 6th edition is rescheduled for 3rd and 4th July 2021. Curators to Open House 2021 are Graça Correia and historian Joel Cleto. This decision was made by the Casa da Arquitectura and the partner municipalities, including Porto City Hall, to ensure the safety of the public and of all those involved in the organisation.

Mayor Rui Moreira's interview to RTP to talk about testing to Covid-19 in Porto, the reopening of the economy, TAP and Matadouro

Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira's interview to Jornal da Tarde of RTP was time to know, first hand, the final results of the testing programme in the city to the elderly and caretakers of nursing homes, as well as other beneficiaries such as people with disabilities, homeless people, institutionalised youth and people with HIV. The Mayor also talked about the reopening of the economy, TAP and Matadouro.