News Porto.

Surfing competitions in Porto and Matosinhos

One of the most exciting sports event in Porto and Matosinhos is just around the corner: the Porto & Matosinhos Wave Series 2018. The window dates are already set. From April to October, the beaches of Porto and Matosinhos will be the contest hosts, starting this weekend, to surf, body board, stand up paddle and adapted surf competitions gathering around 500 surfers, including Portugal's top surfers.

"Pendiente de Voto" by Roger Bernat at the Stage Auditorium in Campo Alegre

The performance "Pendiente de Voto" by Catalan Roger Bernat will be on stage at the Municipal Theatre Campo Alegre. The show features a double session, on April 20 and 21, respectively at 3 pm and at 4 pm.

Inventorying the fauna and flora at Serralves Park with Bioblitz

The Serralves Foundation will carry out a biological inventorying on the existing fauna and flora in the Serralves Park on April 21 and 22. Everyone is invited to this "express biological inventorying", with free entrance.

Dance first. Think later. It is the natural order at PALLCO

First Performing Arts School & Conservatory in Porto- PALLCO provides global professional training experience to pupils and welcomes international students through International Exchanges.

String Trio from Romania performs at Clérigos Church on 18 April

The Clérigos Church plays host to a performance by String Trio from Romania, Iulia, Stefan & Marin Cazacu, in the context of the programme themed "Romanian Music in Portugal's great cathedrals", to celebrate the centenary of the Great Union of Romania, on 18 April at 7 pm.

Porto celebrates International Day for Monuments and Sites with guided tours and leisure trips on 18 April

Porto City Hall has prepared free of charge guided tours and leisure trips to mark the International Day for Monuments and Sites on April 18. These activities will take place throughout town. The first of this tours is themed "Trajeto: memória e valor" [Route: memoir and significance], planned to revisit places of heritage significance.

University of Porto "goes" for launch at NASA mission

Researchers from the University of Porto, from the Astrophysics Institute and Space Sciences (IA), are part of the team that launches TESS, a space observatory, into space today, April 16th.

Simultaneous Openings at the Art's district on April 21

You don't want to miss the next rendez-vous with contemporary art in town! Saturday, April 21, Miguel Bombarda art district opens another session of Simultaneous Openings featuring 17 new exhibits. There will be guided tours to the galleries, workshops for audiences of all ages, as well as a parallel programme of activities organised by municipal company PortoLazer.

Porto travels to the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2018

Three architecture offices from the city of Porto are part of the Portuguese Official Representation at the Venice Biennale of Architecture, running from 26 May to 25 November, namely "i3S - Health Research and Innovation Institute - I3S - University of Porto", the "Molhes do Douro", from Architect Carlos Prata and the five temporary exhibition halls at the Fundação de Serralves Park.

Painting and decorative arts workshop to celebrate International Museum day at Marta Ortigão Sampaio Museum

House-Museum Marta Ortigão Sampaio (CMMOS) carries on mini workshops in handcraft and experimenting with materials to decorate the museum for the International Museum day on May 18th.