News Porto.

IETM Spring Plenary Meeting in Porto in April

Porto hosts the largest international event for performing arts professionals. The IETM Spring Plenary Meeting will take place in Porto, from 26 to 29 April, in several locations in Porto, namely Porto Municipal Theatre, São João National Theatre/Monastery of São Bento da Vitória, the Rectory of the University of Porto, the Portuguese Photography Centre and the Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão.

Congress in Porto promotes universal humanitarian rights on "Lo que de Verdad Importa"

Casa da Música plays host to the international congress "Lo que de Verdad Importa", organised by the Spanish homonymous Foundation, on 11 April. This initiative is aimed at raising awareness on universal values such as tolerance, forgiveness, solidarity, resilience and optimism through the testimonies of people whose lives have been permanently changed by their personal experience, thus helping people understand "what truly matters" in life and that it is possible to overcome difficulties as...

The Most Valuable Hacker is from Porto, Portugal

The Most Valuable Hacker is a Portuguese from Porto. André Baptista, researcher at INESC TEC and Master in IT Security from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) earned first place at the H1-202, which took place in Washington D.C., on 24 and 25 March.

20th PortoCartoon Festival announces prizewinning cartoon

The National Press Museum announced the prizewinning cartoon of the 20th edition of PortoCartoon. This year's edition featured themes such as the Environment, Fado singer Amália Rodrigues and filmmaker and musician Woody Allen. The winning work is from Croatia, by Nikola Listes, depicting the pollution of oceans with fishermen machine washing fish to serve at the table.

Porto City Race explores pedestrian routes of the 1800s

The seventh edition of Porto City Race explores pedestrian routes of the 1800s and the city Historic Centre. The event will take place earlier than usual, from 21 to 22 April. The starting pistol will be fired at 10 am, respectively, from the Gardens of the Palácio de Cristal and the Trindade Metro Station.

Shops across town take part in spring shop window decoration

Businesses and shops from various districts in Porto participate in the second edition of the spring shop window decoration. The window decorations will be on display till 11 May. Storefronts have to be original and creative and the window decoration has to integrate the products on sale at the store.

Mercado do Bolhão temporarily moves to La Vie Shopping Centre and the structural rehabilitation works begin on May 2

The Mercado do Bolhão is one of the most iconic markets in the city of Porto, in Portugal. The building is in need of long-due structural rehabilitation works. The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, visited the Mercado do Bolhão on April 9 to mark the beginning of the customer loyalty campaign as merchants and shopkeepers will temporarily operate just meters away the Mercado do Bolhão, at La Vie Shopping Centre.

International Piano Contest Santa Cecília seeks piano talents

Applications for the International Piano Contest Santa Cecília are open till 1 June, in search for the best pianists in the world. The applicant who wins first place is awarded the "City of Porto Prize", sponsored by Porto City Hall and a pecuniary prize of 5000 euros.

Porto architecture studio SUMMARY chosen as finalist at international contest

SUMMARY, an architecture studio from UPTEC - Scientific and Technologic Park from Porto University, has been chosen as finalist in the YAP MAXXI contest. This initiative is jointly organised by MoMA (Museum of Modern Art, USA), by MAXXI (Museo nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, Italy) and the Future Architecture Platform.

Spin-off from University of Porto creates project plan to ensure citizens's data rights

Experts from HealthySystems, spin-off from University of Porto, are developing a project plan to ensure citizens' fundamental right to data protection, jointly with AMA - Agency for Public Services Reform.