Municipal Theatre

"A Woman without Love" at Theatre Campo Alegre

In the scope of the cinema cycle devoted to Luis Buñuel, Theatre Campo Alegre screens the film "A Woman without Love" (1951) on 25 July, at 6.30pm and at 10pm.

"In My Room" by German filmmaker Ulrich Köhler premieres at Campo Alegre

"In My Room", a 2018 film by the award winning German filmmaker Ulrich Köhler premières at Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre, and it is screened from Monday to Friday, at 10pm, and it repeats on Saturday and Sundays at 3.30pm.

Iuventa single screening at Rivoli on 8 July

The documentary film Iuventa portrays crucial events regarding the rescue of migrants in high sea. After the screening, there will be a talk will the director, Miguel Duarte (crewman of Iuventa ship), Rafael Miranda (jurist and volunteer at the Unidade de Apoio à Vítima Migrante e de Discriminação) and moderation of Joana Manarte (a member of HuBB).

The Secret Friend on stage at Rivoli on 5 and 6 July

Rivoli features "The Secret Friend (O Amigo Secreto), on 5 and 6 July, at 9pm and at 7pm, respectively, in the framework of the Paralelo - Programme of Rapprochement to Performing Arts at the Municipal Theatre of Porto that aims at developing continued projects with diversified audiences.

Anna Tauber explains "Le vide- Essai de cirque"

On 4 July, from 10am until 1pm, Anna Tauber, member of the team presenting the performance "Le Vide" [The Void], will visit multiple schools, where she will discuss her work and answer all the questions raised by the students.

Le vide - Essai de cirque invites to backstage visits on 1 July

On 1 July, students and circus professionals are invited to join the assembly of the "Le Vide" performance, at the Campo Alegre Auditorium. Access is free but subject to previous application.

"Foxtrot" by Samuel Maoz on show at Municipal Theatre Campo Alegre

Foxtrot, written and directed by Samuel Maoz, is on show at Theatre Campo Alegre daily, at 6.30pm and at 10pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays at 3.30pm.

Catacombe feature Scintilla at the understage of Rivoli

Catacombe take to the stage on 14 June, jointly with Amplificasom, at 11pm. The key word to grasping the meaning of such a project is "before". What existed before everything?

Manifest Destiny on stage at Campo Alegre on 8 June

Manifest Destiny, by Emily Lukasewski goes on stage at Campo Alegre Café-Teatro, on 8 June, at 9pm. This is a premiere of Palcos Instáveis, jointly with Companhia Instável.

Commented Cinema Cycle at Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre

The commented Cinema Cycle, themed "A ideia de Idade Média no cinema: entre filosofia e estética", which runs from 14 may until 11 June, at Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre, is jointly organised by the Institute of Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the university of Porto and Medeia Filmes.