Municipal Theatre

Happy End by Michael Haneke premieres at Theatre Campo Alegre, on 26 July

Happy End (2017), written and directed by Michael Haneke, premieres at Theatre Campo Alegre, on 26th July.

Campo Alegre Theatre hosts the II International Gala for Young Dancers from 18th till 19th July

Campo Alegre Theatre plays host to the II International Gala for Young Dancers from 18th till 19th July, starting at 9.30 pm. This event is organised by the Associação Cultural Nordança - Companhia, whose main goal is to acknowledge the work carried out by young promising dancers, providing the perfect opportunity to networking and sharing experiences with the focus on dance as a professional activity.

Cinema Cycle honours Ingmar Bergman in Porto and in Lisbon

The year 2018 marks one century after the birth of one of the greatest film makers of the twentieth century. Ingmar Bergman was born on 14th July 1918, in Uppsala, in Sweden and passed away on 30th July in the Swedish island of Fårö. Leopardo Filmes and Medeia Filmes are preparing an homage to the Swedish director to celebrate his life, work and legacy.

Sanctuary for Xenophobia and intolerance at Palácio dos Correios from 2 to 7 July

Eight artists await the audience. They are at a maze. The members of the audience enter the installation in small groups and walk the eight scenarios. The goal is to listen to the stories the refugees from Syria, Eritrea or even from Europe. This performative installation, by Brett Bailey, is titled "Sanctuary" and it will be on show at the Palácio dos Correios (next to the City Hall), on the 3rd floor, from 2 to 7 July.

Performance "Fugu" premieres at Rivoli on 30 June to dwell on "Power and Man"

"Fugu" is a performance featured in the context of Trengo - Circus Festival of Porto, at Rivoli, 0n 30 June, at 7 pm. Two clowns live in the world of aristocracy and the power that legitimises it. They savour power as though it were a delicatessen. This is the old dispute between power and Men, a timeless fight that "Fugu" traces through the language of the contemporary clown, a debate that has always existed and will remain in time.

Sleeping Beauty sleeps at Rivoli, on 21 and 22 June

The small auditorium at Rivoli presents the performance "Sleeping Beauty", in the context of Fitei 2018, on 21 and 22 June, starting at 7 pm. Diana de Sousa, actress, stage director and writer, build a show that features different interpretations of the classical and typically feminine fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty".

"Margem" by Victor Hugo Pontes takes the stage at Campo Alegre on 16 and 17 June

Victor Hugo Pontes features the performance "Margens" [Margins] at Campo Alegre, inspired by the novel "Capitães da Areia [Captains of the Sands] by Brazilian writer Jorge Amado. The show will be on stage at the auditorium of campo Alegre Theatre, on 16 and 17 June. This performance is held in the framework of FITEI 2018.

"Caranguejo overdrive" by Aquela cia. premieres at Rivoli on 12th June

Brazilian theatre company, Aquela cia., premieres performance "Caranguejo overdrive" on June 12th, in the context of the Fitei 2018, the International Festival of Theatre of the Iberian Peninsula. This performance intertwines theatre and literature expression as an artistic form of launching the debate on Brazilian society nowadays, especially in Rio de Janeiro.

Salia Sanou and Jérôme Kaboré host dance workshop at Rivoli on 7th June

Salia Sanou, joined by percussionist Paulo Costa, hosts a dance workshop at Rivoli, on 7th June, from 6 pm to 8 pm. This will be an impromptu dance lesson, built on the idea of inner exile each person holds within as an "unaltered strength, struggle and yearning". This workshop is targeted at "everyone who wishes to dance", with or without dance experience, up to twenty participants.

Frantz by François Ozon screened at Campo Alegre Municipal Theatre

François Ozon directed "Frantz", a drama film whose plot unveils in the aftermath of WWI. Anna, a young German has the daily routine of visiting the grave of her fiancé, Frantz, who was killed in the war. One day, she encounters Adrien, a mysterious Frenchman who also visits her fiancé's grave.