
This is a top thing to do when it rains in Porto... as well

One of the most iconic exhibits is on display at the Biodiversity Gallery, in Porto, with the National Geographic seal of quality. The exhibit in Porto brings a new feature; for the first time in Portugal, it will be possible to enter a "Shark Cage" similar to the one used by Brian Skerry during his expeditions and have a sense of what it means to enter the fascinating world of one of the top predators of the oceans and seas: Sharks.

Discover amazing cartoon versions of Amália in downtown Porto

A caricature exhibition renders homage to one of the greatest Portuguese figures of all time, the Fado singer Amália Rodrigues, at the Shopping La Vie, in downtown Porto, from 12th November till 8th December.

Playful and educational self-guided tour for families at Casa do Infante

With a rainy November start in Porto take time to explore the Casa do Infante, which offers a children specially targeted tour around the place. Every first Sunday of each month, families are invited to visit the venue and get to know the highlights of the Casa do Infante Museum, at their own pace. This activity starts at 11am and it takes as long as you want or need. Entrance is free.

North Music Festival line-up advances Irish rock band The Script

North Music Festival happens in Porto on 22 and 23 May 2020. The festival is known for its unparalleled line-ups and the Irish band The Script will head to Porto next May. Early birds are available as of yesterday.

You are in Porto and thinking where to head next. How about the Clérigos Tower?

Up for an adventure? The Clérigos Tower is one of the most visited monuments in the city of Porto. It was designed by the Italian architect Nicolau Nasoni and construction works began in 1754. The work was completed in July 1763.

How about you enjoy Saturday with the family at Bolhão Market?

In the pulsating heart of Porto, Bolhão Temporay Market offers the best goods and products, but more especially, surprises and more surprises.

Renowned photographers gather at the Invicta for Porto Photo Fest

Looking for photography inspiration? Know that Porto Photo Fest happens between 11th and 14th October, an event that gathers famous photographers whose work is published in top magazines such as National Geographic, Time or Vogue.

The art of caricature pays tribute to Amália Rodrigues in Porto

A caricature exhibition renders homage to one of the greatest Portuguese figures of all time, the Fado singer Amália Rodrigues, on the 3rd floor of the Alameda Shop & Spot, from 3rd till 31st October.

Italian Classic Cars, Urban sketchers and a Neapolitan music band at the Rectory of the University of Porto

Enjoy a show of Italian classic cars, Urban sketchers art and Neapolitan music at Parada Leitão Square, by the Rectory of the University of Porto, today! Entrance is free.

Eat fish properly in Bolhão Temporary Market today

Bolhão temporary Market hosts Mackerel showcooking event "Carapau é boa onda" ["Yummy Mackerel", free translation], at 11am, on 27 September. Entrance is free, as usual.